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Re: powerbook g3

Michael Tepperis writes:
> hi,
> who has experience with debian(powerpc) on powerbook g3.
> my machine currently runs mkLinux, but I will change to debian.
I'm running the Linux/PPC dev rel 1.0 (esentially a redhat 6.0 beta) on it right now, and intend to try debian/ppc on it momentarily. (right now :)

> my machine has no floppy but zip & jaz.
> is there a possibility to start with them or is a floppy mandatory?
As far as I know, the floppy install doesn't work right now.  You'll have to untar the base2_2.tgz onto a new partition and boot to that partition with BootX (OF on the PB G3 is broken and can't boot to the IDE drive...mine anyway)

> how is the the status of:
> pcmcia
Don't know...

> ethernet (internal)

> modem    (internal)
Works (when I tried it last anyway)

can't put the machine to sleep***, can't reduce the CPU speed, which means battery life is a little shorter than it should be.

If Geert put the patches he sent to me for the onboard RageLTPro into the CVS tree, the Framebuffer X server will work very nicely with the ATI FB driver in accelerated mode.
Hotswapping the expansion bay works fine (floppy/cdrom at least)


*** Thats a lie really...you CAN put it to sleep, however when you try and wake it up, it reboots the machine :)

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