debian-l10n-portuguese Apr 2012 by thread
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[ITT] wml:// Fred Maranhão
[ITT] wml://{devel/index.wml,devel/leader.wml,devel/secretary.wml,devel/tech-ctte.wml,devel/testing.wml,devel/dmup.wml} Claudio Filho
precisa-se de revisores no DDTP Fred Maranhão
acúmulo de revisões no DDTP diminuindo Fred Maranhão
Infográfico do Debian v 1.0 Claudio Filho
aolserver4 4.5.1-15.1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package aolserver4 Christian Perrier
Re: [LCFC] po-debconf://openvas-plugins-dfsg/pt_BR.po Adriano Rafael Gomes
Correções Marcos Freitas Morais
debian-installer: Please update sublevel 6 Christian Perrier
dctrl-tools 2.22: Please update the PO translation for the package dctrl-tools David Prévot
The last update was on 11:51 GMT Sat Jun 01. There are 114 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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