debian-chinese-gb May 2004 by thread
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- scim-chinese released under GPL, Debian package avaiable Ming Hua
- Re: openoffice.org中文菜单的字体 and a possible bug? Ling Li
- 请问谁有开始翻译 Debian Installer Howto ? Nicky
- SCIM problem cantona
- 如何安装LIB文件?紧急!多谢指教! lina 杨丽娜
- solved SCIM problem cantona
- subscribe Linyin
- Re: Multidisk 是什么?(d-i 的组件之一) Carlos Liu
- [bug]Chinese manual dd contains unreadable charset Nicky
- 关于"Taiwan, Province of China"的翻译 Carlos Liu
- [ Re: Bug#247290: iso-codes: [INTL:zh_CN] Updated Simplified Chinese translation] Carlos Liu
- Re: 关于"Taiwan, Province of China"的翻译 Michael Liang
- Re: Re: ?充?"Taiwan, Provin ce of China"??炕璇 Liu Xiao Gang
- Re: 关于Taiwan, Province of China的翻译 zeal
- Re: 关于"Taiwan, Province of China"的翻译 SuperMMX
- Re: why must Debian call Taiwan a "Province of China"? jarod
- Re: 关于"Taiwan, Province of China"的翻译 Tetralet
- linking of the two debian chinese lists Pascal Hakim
- Re: Re:关于"Taiwan, Province of China"的翻译 Crasher Guo
- date locale problem cantona
- A script that convert filename from gbk to utf8, some question. gaochao
- Debian Installer howto Chinese translation preview Nicky
- 请问:sarge大概什么时候能正式发布呢? cwinl
- iconv zx-tan
- 邀请参与 Debian 安装手册的中文翻译 Carlos Liu
- shadow.xml翻译完毕 wlj
- timezone.xml翻译完毕 wlj
- [SCIM] GTK+ 2.4 entering unstable, scim will be broken Ming Hua
- apt.xml翻译完毕 wulujia
- help Martin Lin
- ppp.xml翻译完毕 wulujia
- Debian Installer Manual translation:packages.xml wulujia
- Debian Installer Manual translation:boot-installer/boot-installer.xml Eric.Hu
- 是否应该将 tasksel 中的 task 译为“程序单元”? Carlos Liu
- how to install Chinese support?... mrli
- 请教 关于 netfilter 支持h323协议的问题。 Crasher Guo
- The confilct between GNOME and XFree86 in unstable Ming Hua
The last update was on 09:38 GMT Mon May 20. There are 89 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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