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Debian Installer Manual translation:packages.xml

<!-- retain these comments for translator revision tracking -->
<!-- original version: 11648 -->

<sect2 id="install-packages">


You will next be presented with a list of programs you can use to
select packages you wish to install. You can choose between the simple
way of selecting packages, or the more fine-grained, advanced way. We
recommend you start with the simple way, since you can always run the
more advanced way at any time.

You should know that for simple installation,
<command>base-config</command> is merely invoking the
<command>tasksel</command> program. For advanced package
installation, the <command>dselect</command> or
<command>aptitude</command> program is being run. Any of these can be
run at any time after installation to install (or remove) more
packages. If you are looking for a specific single package, after
installation is complete, simply run <userinput>apt-get install
<replaceable>package</replaceable></userinput>, where
<replaceable>package</replaceable> is the name of the package you are
looking for.

褰?娇?ㄧ???ā寮??瑁??锛?command>base-config</command>???璋??浜?command>tasksel</command>?ヨ?琛??瑁?€?濡??浣跨?楂?骇妯″?锛??浼???ㄥ?<command>dselect</command>??command>aptitude</command>??浣????互?ㄥ?瑁??姣?????琛??杩扮?搴??瑁?????杞?欢??€?瀹??瀹?????濡??浣???冲?瑁??涓??瀹?蒋浠跺?锛????浠ヨ?琛?userinput>apt-get install

<sect3 id="tasksel">
<title>绠€??ā寮??瑁??The Task Installer</title>


If you chose <quote>simple</quote> installation with
<command>tasksel</command>, you will next be thrown into the Task
Installer. This technique offers you a number of pre-rolled software
configurations offered by Debian. You could always choose, package by
package, what you want to install on your new machine. This is the
purpose of the <command>dselect</command> program, described below.
But this can be a long task with around &num-of-distrib-pkgs; packages
available in Debian!

濡??浣????command>tasksel</command>杩??<quote>绠€??ā寮?/quote>瀹??锛????琛??灏辨?杩?釜??ask Installer??蒋浠朵???瀹??渚??澶ч???ebian涓?????缃?ソ??蒋浠堕????

So, you have the ability to choose <emphasis>tasks</emphasis> first,
and then add on more individual packages later. These tasks loosely
represent a number of different jobs or things you want to do with
your computer, such as <quote>desktop environment</quote>,
<quote>development in C</quote>, or <quote>file server</quote>.


For each task, you can highlight that task and select <guibutton>Task
Info</guibutton> to see more information on that task. This will show
you an extended description and the list of packages which will be
installed for that task. A table showing approximate sizes of the
various tasks for planning purposes is in <xref linkend="tasksel-size-list"/>.

瀵规?椤逛换?★?浣??浠ラ?浜?€??锛????€??<guibutton>浠诲?淇℃?</guibutton>浠ユ????浜??浠诲????澶????€?缁????????涓?换?¢???蒋浠跺???〃????xref linkend="tasksel-size-list"/>涔?????涓?〃?兼?绀轰?灏??瑁??杞?欢??ぇ灏?€?

Once you've selected your tasks, select
<guibutton>Finish</guibutton>. At this point,
<command>apt-get</command> will install the packages you've
selected. Note, if you did not select any tasks at all, any standard,
important, or required priority packages that are not yet present on
your system will be installed. This functionality is the same as
running tasksel -s at the command line, and currently involves
a download of about 37M of archives. You will be shown the number of
packages to be installed, and how many kilobytes of packages, if any,
need to be downloaded.

杩???烘?杞?欢????朵?琚??瑁?€?杩?????涓???ㄥ?浠よ?杩??tasksel -s????风????€??????浣??瑁??杞?欢??????

Of the &num-of-distrib-pkgs; packages available in Debian, only
a small minority are covered by tasks offered in the Task Installer.
To see information on more packages, either use <userinput>apt-cache
search <replaceable>search-string</replaceable></userinput> for some
given search string (see the <citerefentry>
<refentrytitle>apt-cache</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
</citerefentry> man page), or run <command>dselect</command> or
<command>aptitude</command> as described below.

??ebian涓??????拌蒋浠跺?涓?????????拌?Task Installer?寸??????换?°€?瑕?????澶?蒋浠跺???俊?????互???<userinput>apt-cache search
	<refentrytitle>apt-cache</refentrytitle> <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>

<sect3 id="dselect">


If you are conservative user you'll probably choose the
<command>dselect</command> program. The <ulink url="&url-dselect-beginner;">dselect Tutorial</ulink> is required
reading before you run <command>dselect</command>.
<command>dselect</command> allows you to select individual
<emphasis>packages</emphasis> to be installed on your system. (You
have to be the super-user (root) when you run

濡??浣??杈??娆㈣€??杞?欢锛??涔??浠ョ?<command>dselect</command>杩??楂?骇瀹?????ㄤ?杩??<command>dselect</command>涔??锛?缓璁?????璇?ulink url="&url-dselect-beginner;">dselect Tutorial</ulink>??浣??瑕?互绠$???root)韬?唤杩??<command>dselect</command>锛?瀹????????浣?????绯荤?涓??瑁??姣?釜<emphasis>杞?欢??/emphasis>??

<sect3 id="aptitude">


<command>Aptitude</command> is a modern program for managing
packages. Its gui and keyboard commands somewhat resemble the famous
<command>dselect</command>, but it has more bells and whistles
attached, so it should not scare new users so much. (You have to try
the integrated minesweeper!) <command>aptitude</command> allows you to
select individual packages, set of packages matching given criteria
(for advanced users), or whole tasks.


The most basic keybindings are:

<tgroup cols="2">

<entry><keycap>Up</keycap>, <keycap>Down</keycap></entry>

For more commands see the online help under the <keycap>?</keycap> key.


Although <command>aptitude</command> is meant to be familiar to the
<command>dselect</command> users, it provides much more features and
can be customized to a great degree. (You can define you own
keybindings, colors and package views). After installation you can
explore <command>aptitude</command> capabilities by reading


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