debian-chinese-gb Aug 2001 by thread
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怎么认出鼠标? Zetaxis
is it possible to put xcin and minichinput/chinput to work at the same time ganloo
如何下载debian? 罗勇
Chinese in gnome-terminal? Chun Kit Edwin Lau
黑客叔叔好! Zhuzeyuan
一切都搞定啦。:-) Eric . Hu
about XF86 Zetaxis
wvdial 能否支持多帐号? ejoy
新的potato 非官方CD ha shao
RE: еÄpotato·Ç¹Ù·½CD
RE: Ò»Çж¼¸ã¶¨À²¡£:-)
about 版本问题 Zetaxis
Balsa broken (by gdk bug)? Alex Wang
Thanks for your help! Zetaxis
Fw: Re2: 怎么认出鼠标? Zetaxis
Fw: about 版本问题 Zetaxis
怎么退出到文本登陆方式? Zetaxis
Where to place rc.local? ejoy
谁有兴趣在 CERNET 内再做几个 Debian 的 ftp mirror? Su Yong
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