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[ Re: OOo and testing...]
[announce] 1.1beta Debian packages
[ Re: l10n, spellcheck ,help -hu]
[ openoffice.org_1.0.3-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED]
Annoying error
Re: Bug report: GNOME menus
Bug#146292: Detection patch
Bug#178378: Bug still present in OO 1.0.3
Bug#179917: marked as done ( Problems with Catalan dictionary)
Bug#180973: File - New and Wizard not translated
Bug#181810: marked as done (Woody backport will not install on Sarge - libfreetype6 incompatibility)
Bug#183095: Scrolling in "Special Characters" dialog is
Bug#187292: Solution to the accents/dead keys problem
Bug#189623: Print to file, file type pdf, is broken (he just makes postscript anyway)
Bug#190008: all panels, menus, and messages unreadable
Bug#191989: only ppc, i386 works
Bug#191989: relocation error
Bug#192254: Incorrect CID font path in openoffice wrapper
Bug#192285: Add a note about Nvidia RenderAccel bug in README.Debian?
Bug#192405: Cannot load DOC, please CLOSE if unreproducible
Bug#193538: Impress crashes on MS PowerPoint presentation
Bug#193760: Embedded graphics get misplaced in exported EPS files
Bug#193888: ITP: -- German Thesaurus for
Bug#194181: libstlport4.5-common: does not work with g++ 3.3
Bug#194345: g++ 3.3 needs to much memory / gets killed by OOM-killer
Bug#194486: Truetype fonts not picked up
Bug#194578: Menu entry for openoffice setup in wrong part of tree
Bug#194820: OpenOffice writer opens with the title bar off the screen
Bug#194898: bad date interpretation (today's date)
Bug#195239: OO crashes for certain file names
Bug#195359: Doesn't build with gcc 3.2.3 and libstdc++5 3.3-2
Bug#195421: oooqs-kde: creates two untitled documents if started automatically
Catalan l10n
Catalan l10n working
COMer - Programming Language for Component Development
cvs commit to myspell-debian-template by rene
cvs commit to myspell-debian-template/debian by rene
cvs commit to oo-deb/debian by halls
cvs commit to oo-deb/debian by rene
cvs commit to oo-deb/debian/local by halls
cvs commit to oo-deb/debian/local by rene
cvs commit to oo-deb/debian/patches by halls
cvs commit to oo-deb/debian/patches by rene
cvs commit to oo-deb/debian/scripts by halls
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/bin by halls
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/bin by rene
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/debian by halls
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/debian by rene
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/debian/openoffice.org1.1-debian-files by halls
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/doc by halls
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/doc by rene
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/etc by halls
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/etc by rene
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/manpages by halls
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/manpages by rene
cvs commit to oo-debian-files/share by rene
cvs commit to oooqs-kde-deb/debian by rene
cvs commit to oooqs-kde-deb/debian/patches by rene
Re: Debian MIA check
g++ 3.3 and inline / cc1plus gets killed
Ihre Kuendigung
Impress templates
Install problem libcc
javarc missing on s390
A little bug in HTML Export
mimelnk clashes with koffice
myspell dicts and dict-common [Was: Re: cvs commit to myspell-debian-template/debian by rene ]
naming of MySpell dictionaris
Re: OO build-depends on tcsh (Was: Debian MIA check)
OOo 1.1 installed, 1.0.3 Opens?
OOo and testing...
oooqs_1.0rc3-1_i386.changes ACCEPTED
oooqs_1.0rc3-1_i386.changes is NEW
oooqs_1.0rc3-2_i386.changes ACCEPTED
oooqs_1.0rc3-2_i386.changes is NEW
OpenOffice for SparcLinux
Re: OpenOffice in other menu? italian spellcheck package
Re: l10n, spellcheck ,help -hu
openoffice.org1.1: openoffice can not load
Possible bug
Problems with version 1.03
Problems with version 1.03 [REPEAT]
Processed: closing stale bugs
Processed: Detection patch
Processed: Fixed in 1.1 beta 2
Processed: merging
Processed: only ppc, i386 works
Processed: Organizing relocation bug
Processed: pending
Processed: Re: Bug#146292: Detection patch
Processed: Re: Bug#183095: Scrolling in "Special Characters" dialog is
Processed: Re: Bug#192285: Add a note about Nvidia RenderAccel bug in README.Debian?
Processed: Re: Bug#192405: Cannot load DOC, please CLOSE if unreproducible
Processed: Re: Bug#193538: Impress crashes on MS PowerPoint presentation
Processed: Re: Doesn't build with gcc 3.2.3 and libstdc++5 3.3-2
Processed: remove tags
Processed: tagging 150714
Processed: tagging 170924
Prototype myspell-* deb
The last update was on 07:49 GMT Sat Jun 15. There are 259 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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