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Bug#193538: OpenOffice.org Impress crashes on MS PowerPoint presentation

On Sun, 2003-05-18 at 10:47, Rene Engelhard wrote:
> > 	That's it.  If I try to open the file from OOfice itself or from
> > Nautilus, I see nothing.  AFAIU there should be at least a warning if
> > the file is not valid or in a non-supported format.
> > 
> > 	If need be I can send the file, but it is 643KB.
> > 
> > 	Do you think you need more info?
> Let me guess; it does not happen with all files..

	I don't have too many files, but the three I tried did crash
ooimpress.  One of them I received recently and is far smaller than the
first, 146KB.

	If you have an address with samples that *should* work, I'll fetch,
test and send you the results.

> This actually is a glibc issue, the glibc maintainers are aware of that
> and it will be fixed by 2.3.2-1.

	That should enter unstable when?

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