Hi, during OOo's compilation the following is done: ccache g++ -fmessage-length=0 -c -I. -I. -I../inc -I../../../inc -I../../../unx/inc -I../../../unxlngi4.pro/inc -I. -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/solver/641/unxlngi4.pro/inc/stl -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/solver/641/unxlngi4.pro/inc/external -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/solver/641/unxlngi4.pro/inc -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/solenv/unxlngi4/inc -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/solenv/inc -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/res -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/stlport-home/stlport -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/stlport-home/include/stlport -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/stlport-home/include/stlport -I/home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/solenv/inc/Xp31 -I/usr/lib/j2se/1.3/include -I/usr/lib/j2se/1.3/include/linux -I/usr/lib/j2se/1.3/include/native_threads/include -I/usr/X11R6/include -I. -I../../../res -I. -O -pipe -mcpu=pentiumpro -fno-for-scope -fpermissive -fexceptions -fno-enforce-eh-specs -fpic -DLINUX -DUNX -DVCL -DGCC -DC300 -DINTEL -DCVER=C300 -D_USE_NAMESPACE -DGLIBC=2 -DX86 -D_PTHREADS -D_REENTRANT -DNEW_SOLAR -D_USE_NAMESPACE=1 -DSTLPORT_VERSION=400 -D__DMAKE -DUNIX -DCPPU_ENV=gcc3 -DSUPD=641 -DBUILD=8584 -DPRODUCT -DNDEBUG -DPRODUCT_FULL -DEXCEPTIONS_ON -DCUI -DSOLAR_JAVA -DSRC641 -DSHAREDLIB -D_DLL_ -DMULTITHREAD -w -o ../../../unxlngi4.pro/slo/urp_reader.o /home/rene/Debian/Pakete/OpenOffice.org/Hauptpaket/openoffice.org-1.0.3/build-tree/oo_1.0.3_src/bridges/source/remote/urp/urp_reader.cxx This worked with g++ 3.2 but not with 3.3. It constantly consumes all my mamor (512 MB RAM, 512 MB swap) till it gets OOM-killed by the kernel. As I asked on debian-devel, James answered me: 20:11 < elmo > g++-3.3 has a silly inline default, IIRC, if you're OOM-ing because of g++-3.3 with a large C++ source like OOo, you could try lowering it 20:11 < elmo > there was a thread about it on the gcc list; I'm reasonably sure it didn't get resolved before 3.3 was released [...] 20:18 < elmo > rene: see http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2003-05/msg00362.html and other mails in that thread OK, I tried with -finline-limit=x, x=4,3,2,1,0, compiled with -fno-inline, with -O0 and I even removed 3 of the 4 inlines from the source. No effect. It may be worth noting that the free "normal" memory during the "normal" compilation is between 4-12M during compile anyhow... I attach the source file here; a preprocessed source isn't available because it is not generated :( (it seems that g++ fails during preprocessing..) What is the cause of that? Bug in g++? Should I report one "officially"? Is there a workaround? Regards, Rene
/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: urp_reader.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.9 $ * * last change: $Author: jbu $ $Date: 2001/08/31 16:16:52 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include <osl/diagnose.h> #include <rtl/ustrbuf.hxx> #include <bridges/remote/connection.h> #include <bridges/remote/counter.hxx> #include <bridges/remote/context.h> #include <bridges/remote/helper.hxx> #include <uno/environment.h> #include "urp_reader.hxx" #include "urp_writer.hxx" #include "urp_dispatch.hxx" #include "urp_job.hxx" #include "urp_bridgeimpl.hxx" #include "urp_log.hxx" #include "urp_propertyobject.hxx" using namespace ::rtl; using namespace ::osl; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; #ifdef DEBUG static MyCounter thisCounter( "DEBUG : ReaderThread" ); #endif namespace bridges_urp { /** * This callback is used to ensure, that the release call is sent for the correct type. * ***/ void SAL_CALL urp_releaseRemoteCallback ( remote_Interface *pRemoteI,rtl_uString *pOid, typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef, uno_Environment *pEnvRemote ) { remote_Context *pContext = (remote_Context *) pEnvRemote->pContext; urp_BridgeImpl *pImpl = (urp_BridgeImpl*) ( pContext->m_pBridgeImpl ); pImpl->m_pWriter->insertReleaseRemoteCall( pOid , pTypeRef ); } struct MessageFlags { sal_uInt16 nMethodId; sal_Bool bRequest; sal_Bool bType; sal_Bool bOid; sal_Bool bTid; sal_Bool bException; sal_Bool bMustReply; sal_Bool bSynchronous; sal_Bool bMoreFlags; sal_Bool bIgnoreCache; sal_Bool bBridgePropertyCall; ///-------------------------- inline MessageFlags() { bTid = sal_False; bOid = sal_False; bType = sal_False; bException = sal_False; bMoreFlags = sal_False; bIgnoreCache = sal_False; bBridgePropertyCall = sal_False; } //--------------------------- }; // end struct MessageFlags inline sal_Bool OReaderThread::getMemberTypeDescription( typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription **ppAttributeType, typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription **ppMethodType, sal_Bool *pbIsSetter, sal_uInt16 nMethodId , typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * pITypeRef ) { if( pITypeRef->eTypeClass != typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { OUString sMessage( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "interface type is not of typeclass interface (" )); sMessage += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) pITypeRef->eTypeClass ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( sMessage ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "type is not an interface" ); return sal_False; } typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription *pInterfaceType = 0; TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( (typelib_TypeDescription **)&pInterfaceType , pITypeRef ); if( ! pInterfaceType ) { OUString sMessage( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "No typedescription can be retrieved for type " )); sMessage += pITypeRef->pTypeName; m_pBridgeImpl->addError( sMessage ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "urp: unknown type " ); return sal_False; } if( ! pInterfaceType->aBase.bComplete ) { typelib_typedescription_complete( (typelib_TypeDescription **) &pInterfaceType ); } if( nMethodId < 0 || nMethodId > pInterfaceType->nAllMembers *2 ) { OUString sMessage( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "vtable out of range for type " )); sMessage += pITypeRef->pTypeName; sMessage += OUString::createFromAscii( " (" ); sMessage += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) nMethodId ); sMessage += OUString::createFromAscii( " )" ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( sMessage ); // (nMethodId > pInterfaceType->nAllMembers *2) is an essential condition // for the vtable index to be correct OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "vtable index out of range" ); return sal_False; } // TODO : check the range of nMethodId sal_Int32 nMemberIndex = pInterfaceType->pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex[ nMethodId ]; if( !( pInterfaceType->nAllMembers > nMemberIndex && nMemberIndex >= 0 ) ) { OUString sMessage( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "vtable out of range for type " )); sMessage += pITypeRef->pTypeName; sMessage += OUString::createFromAscii( " (" ); sMessage += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) nMethodId ); sMessage += OUString::createFromAscii( " )" ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( sMessage ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "vtable index out of range" ); return sal_False; } typelib_InterfaceMemberTypeDescription *pMemberType = 0; typelib_typedescriptionreference_getDescription( (typelib_TypeDescription **) &pMemberType,pInterfaceType->ppAllMembers[nMemberIndex]); if(! pMemberType ) { OUString sMessage( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "unknown method type description for type" ) ); sMessage += pITypeRef->pTypeName; sMessage += OUString::createFromAscii( " (" ); sMessage += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) nMethodId ); sMessage += OUString::createFromAscii( " )" ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( sMessage ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "unknown method type description" ); return sal_False; } if( typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE_ATTRIBUTE == pMemberType->aBase.eTypeClass ) { *ppAttributeType = (typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *) pMemberType; *pbIsSetter = ! ( pInterfaceType->pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex[nMemberIndex] == nMethodId ); } else { *ppMethodType = (typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *) pMemberType; } TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( (typelib_TypeDescription * )pInterfaceType ); return sal_True; } OReaderThread::OReaderThread( remote_Connection *pConnection, uno_Environment *pEnvRemote, OWriterThread * pWriterThread ) : m_pConnection( pConnection ), m_pEnvRemote( pEnvRemote ), m_pWriterThread( pWriterThread ), m_bDestroyMyself( sal_False ), m_bContinue( sal_True ), m_pBridgeImpl((struct urp_BridgeImpl*) ((remote_Context *)pEnvRemote->pContext)->m_pBridgeImpl ), m_unmarshal( m_pBridgeImpl, m_pEnvRemote, ::bridges_remote::remote_createStub ) { m_pEnvRemote->acquireWeak( m_pEnvRemote ); m_pConnection->acquire( m_pConnection ); #ifdef DEBUG thisCounter.acquire(); #endif } OReaderThread::~OReaderThread( ) { m_pEnvRemote->releaseWeak( m_pEnvRemote ); #ifdef DEBUG thisCounter.release(); #endif } // may only be called in the callstack of this thread !!!!! // run() -> dispose() -> destroyYourself() void OReaderThread::destroyYourself() { m_bDestroyMyself = sal_True; m_pConnection->release( m_pConnection ); m_pConnection = 0; m_bContinue = sal_False; } void OReaderThread::onTerminated() { if( m_bDestroyMyself ) { delete this; } } void OReaderThread::disposeEnvironment() { struct remote_Context *pContext = ( struct remote_Context * ) m_pEnvRemote->pContext; m_bContinue = sal_False; if( ! pContext->m_pBridgeImpl->m_bDisposed ) { uno_Environment *pEnvRemote = 0; m_pEnvRemote->harden( &pEnvRemote , m_pEnvRemote ); if( pEnvRemote ) { pEnvRemote->dispose( m_pEnvRemote ); pEnvRemote->release( m_pEnvRemote ); } else { // environment has been disposed eitherway ! } } } inline sal_Bool OReaderThread::readBlock( sal_Int32 *pnMessageCount ) { m_unmarshal.setSize( 8 ); if( 8 != m_pConnection->read( m_pConnection , m_unmarshal.getBuffer(), 8 ) ) { OUString s( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Unexpected connection closure" ) ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( s ); return sal_False; } sal_Int32 nSize; m_unmarshal.unpackInt32( &nSize ); m_unmarshal.unpackInt32( pnMessageCount ); if( nSize < 0 ) { // buffer too big // no exception can be thrown, because there is no thread id, which could be // used. -> terminate ! OUString s( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Packet-size too big (" ) ); s += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int64) (sal_uInt32 ) nSize ); s += OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ")" ) ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( s ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "urp bridge: Packet-size too big" ); disposeEnvironment(); return sal_False; } if( 0 == nSize ) { // normal termination ! return sal_False; } // allocate the necessary memory if( ! m_unmarshal.setSize( nSize ) ) { OUString s( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Packet-size too big, couln't allocate necessary memory (" ) ); s += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int64) (sal_uInt32 ) nSize ); s += OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ")" ) ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( s ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "urp bridge: messages size too large, terminating connection" ); return sal_False; } sal_Int32 nRead = m_pConnection->read( m_pConnection , m_unmarshal.getBuffer() , nSize ); if( nSize != nRead ) { OUString s( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Unexpected connection closure, inconsistent packet (" ) ); s += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int64) (sal_uInt32 ) nSize ); s += OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( " asked, " ) ); s += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int64) (sal_uInt32 ) nRead ); s += OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( " got )" ) ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( s ); // couldn't get the asked amount of bytes, quit // should only occur, when the environment has already been disposed OSL_ENSURE( m_pBridgeImpl->m_bDisposed , "urp bridge: inconsistent packet, terminating connection." ); return sal_False; } return sal_True; } inline sal_Bool OReaderThread::readFlags( struct MessageFlags *pFlags ) { sal_uInt8 nBitField; if( ! m_unmarshal.unpackInt8( &nBitField ) ) { m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "Unexpected end of message header (1)" ); return sal_False; } if( HDRFLAG_LONGHEADER & nBitField ) { // this is a long header, interpret the byte as bitfield pFlags->bTid = (HDRFLAG_NEWTID & nBitField ); pFlags->bRequest = (HDRFLAG_REQUEST & nBitField); if( pFlags->bRequest ) { // request pFlags->bType = ( HDRFLAG_NEWTYPE & nBitField ); pFlags->bOid = ( HDRFLAG_NEWOID & nBitField ); pFlags->bIgnoreCache = ( HDRFLAG_IGNORECACHE & nBitField ); pFlags->bMoreFlags = ( HDRFLAG_MOREFLAGS & nBitField ); if( pFlags->bMoreFlags ) { // another byte with flags sal_Int8 moreFlags; if( ! m_unmarshal.unpackInt8( &moreFlags ) ) { m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "Unexpected end of message header (2)" ); return sal_False; } pFlags->bSynchronous = ( HDRFLAG_SYNCHRONOUS & moreFlags ); pFlags->bMustReply = ( HDRFLAG_MUSTREPLY & moreFlags ); OSL_ENSURE( pFlags->bSynchronous && pFlags->bMustReply || ! pFlags->bSynchronous && !pFlags->bMustReply, "urp-bridge : customized calls currently not supported !"); } if( HDRFLAG_LONGMETHODID & nBitField ) { // methodid as unsigned short if( ! m_unmarshal.unpackInt16( &(pFlags->nMethodId )) ) { m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "Unexpected end of message header (3)" ); return sal_False; } } else { sal_uInt8 id; if( ! m_unmarshal.unpackInt8( &id ) ) { m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "Unexpected end of message header (4)" ); return sal_False; } pFlags->nMethodId = (sal_uInt16) id; } } else { // reply pFlags->bRequest = sal_False; pFlags->bException = ( HDRFLAG_EXCEPTION & nBitField ); } } else { // short request pFlags->bRequest = sal_True; if( 0x40 & nBitField ) { sal_uInt8 lower; if( ! m_unmarshal.unpackInt8( &lower ) ) { m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "Unexpected end of message header (5)" ); return sal_False; } pFlags->nMethodId = ( nBitField & 0x3f ) << 8 | lower; } else { pFlags->nMethodId = ( nBitField & 0x3f ); } } return sal_True; } void OReaderThread::run() { // This vars are needed to hold oid,tid and type information, which should not be cached. Type lastTypeNoCache; OUString lastOidNoCache; ByteSequence lastTidNoCache; while( m_bContinue ) { sal_Int32 nMessageCount; if( ! readBlock( &nMessageCount ) ) { disposeEnvironment(); break; } uno_Environment *pEnvRemote = 0; m_pEnvRemote->harden( &pEnvRemote , m_pEnvRemote ); if( !pEnvRemote ) { // environment has been disposed already, quit here break; } ServerMultiJob *pMultiJob = 0; remote_Interface *pLastRemoteI = 0; while( ! m_unmarshal.finished() ) { #ifdef BRIDGES_URP_PROT sal_uInt32 nLogStart = m_unmarshal.getPos(); sal_Bool bIsOneWay = sal_False; OUString sMemberName; #endif MessageFlags flags; if( ! readFlags( &flags ) ) { m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "incomplete message, skipping block" ); OSL_ENSURE ( 0 , "urp-bridge : incomplete message, skipping block" ); break; } // use these ** to access the ids fast ( avoid acquire/release calls ) sal_Sequence **ppLastTid = flags.bIgnoreCache ? (sal_Sequence **) &lastTidNoCache : (sal_Sequence **) &(m_pBridgeImpl->m_lastInTid); rtl_uString **ppLastOid = flags.bIgnoreCache ? (rtl_uString ** ) &lastOidNoCache : (rtl_uString ** ) &(m_pBridgeImpl->m_lastInOid); typelib_TypeDescriptionReference **ppLastType = flags.bIgnoreCache ? (typelib_TypeDescriptionReference ** ) &lastTidNoCache : (typelib_TypeDescriptionReference ** ) &(m_pBridgeImpl->m_lastInType); // get new type if( flags.bType ) { typelib_TypeDescriptionReference *pTypeRef = 0; if( m_unmarshal.unpackType( &pTypeRef ) ) { // release the old type typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( *ppLastType ); // set the new type *ppLastType = pTypeRef; // no release on pTypeRef necessary (will be released by type dtor) } else { typelib_typedescriptionreference_release( pTypeRef ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "error during unpacking (maybe cached) interface type" ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "urp-bridge : error during unpacking interface type, terminating connection" ); disposeEnvironment(); break; } if( m_pBridgeImpl->m_lastInType.getTypeClass() != typelib_TypeClass_INTERFACE ) { OUString sMessage( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "interface type is not of typeclass interface (" )); sMessage += OUString::valueOf( (sal_Int32) m_pBridgeImpl->m_lastInType.getTypeClass() ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( sMessage ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "urp-bridge : not an interface type" ); disposeEnvironment(); break; } } if( flags.bOid ) { rtl_uString *pOid = 0; if( m_unmarshal.unpackOid( &pOid ) ) { rtl_uString_release( *ppLastOid ); *ppLastOid = pOid; } else { rtl_uString_release( pOid ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "error during unpacking (maybe cached) oid" ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "urp-bridge : error during unpacking cached data, terminating connection" ); disposeEnvironment(); break; } } if( flags.bTid ) { sal_Sequence *pSeq = 0; if( m_unmarshal.unpackTid( &pSeq ) ) { rtl_byte_sequence_release( *ppLastTid ); *ppLastTid = pSeq; } else { rtl_byte_sequence_release( pSeq ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( "error during unpacking (maybe cached) tid" ); OSL_ENSURE( 0 , "urp-bridge : error during unpacking cached data, terminating connection" ); disposeEnvironment(); break; } } // do the job if( flags.bRequest ) { //-------------------------- // handle request //-------------------------- // get the membertypedescription typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription *pMethodType = 0; typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription *pAttributeType = 0; sal_Bool bIsSetter = sal_False; if( getMemberTypeDescription( &pAttributeType, &pMethodType, &bIsSetter, flags.nMethodId, *ppLastType ) ) { if( ! pLastRemoteI || flags.bOid || flags.bType ) { // a new interface must be retrieved // retrieve the interface NOW from the environment // (avoid race conditions : oneway followed by release ) typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription *pInterfaceType = 0; TYPELIB_DANGER_GET( (typelib_TypeDescription ** ) &pInterfaceType , *ppLastType ); if( !pInterfaceType ) { OUString sMessage( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Couldn't retrieve type description for type " ) ); sMessage += (*ppLastType)->pTypeName; m_pBridgeImpl->addError( sMessage ); delete pMultiJob; pMultiJob = 0; disposeEnvironment(); pLastRemoteI = 0; // stubs are released during dispose eitherway break; } pEnvRemote->pExtEnv->getRegisteredInterface( pEnvRemote->pExtEnv, ( void ** ) &pLastRemoteI, *ppLastOid, pInterfaceType ); TYPELIB_DANGER_RELEASE( (typelib_TypeDescription * )pInterfaceType ); if( !pLastRemoteI && REMOTE_RELEASE_METHOD_INDEX != flags.nMethodId && 0 == rtl_ustr_ascii_compare_WithLength( (*ppLastOid)->buffer, (*ppLastOid)->length, g_NameOfUrpProtocolPropertiesObject ) ) { // check for bridge internal propertyobject pLastRemoteI = m_pBridgeImpl->m_pPropertyObject; pLastRemoteI->acquire( pLastRemoteI ); flags.bBridgePropertyCall = sal_True; } // NOTE : Instance provider is called in the executing thread // Otherwise, instance provider may block the bridge } sal_Bool bCallIsOneway = sal_False; if( flags.bMoreFlags ) { // flags override the default ! bCallIsOneway = ! flags.bSynchronous; } else if( pMethodType && pMethodType->bOneWay ) { bCallIsOneway = sal_True; } if( pMultiJob && ! flags.bTid && bCallIsOneway && ! pMultiJob->isFull()) { // add to the existing multijob, nothing to do here } else { // create a new multijob if( pMultiJob ) { // there exists an old one, start it first. pMultiJob->initiate(); } pMultiJob = new ServerMultiJob( pEnvRemote, *ppLastTid, m_pBridgeImpl, &m_unmarshal , nMessageCount ); } pMultiJob->setIgnoreCache( flags.bIgnoreCache ); pMultiJob->setType( *ppLastType ); if( pMethodType ) { pMultiJob->setMethodType( pMethodType , REMOTE_RELEASE_METHOD_INDEX == flags.nMethodId, bCallIsOneway ); } else if( pAttributeType ) { pMultiJob->setAttributeType( pAttributeType, bIsSetter, bCallIsOneway ); } else { OSL_ASSERT( 0 ); } if( pLastRemoteI ) pMultiJob->setInterface( pLastRemoteI ); else pMultiJob->setOid( *ppLastOid ); } /* getMemberTypeDescription */ else { delete pMultiJob; pMultiJob = 0; pLastRemoteI = 0; // stubs are released during dispose eitherway disposeEnvironment(); break; } #ifdef BRIDGES_URP_PROT bIsOneWay = pMethodType && pMethodType->bOneWay; sMemberName = pMethodType ? pMethodType->aBase.pMemberName : pAttributeType->aBase.pMemberName; sal_uInt32 nLogHeader = m_unmarshal.getPos(); #endif if( ! pMultiJob->extract( ) ) { // severe error during extracting, dispose delete pMultiJob; pMultiJob = 0; pLastRemoteI = 0; // stubs are released during dispose eitherway disposeEnvironment(); break; } #ifdef BRIDGES_URP_PROT urp_logServingRequest( m_pBridgeImpl, m_unmarshal.getPos() - nLogStart, m_unmarshal.getPos() - nLogHeader, !bIsOneWay, sMemberName ); #endif if ( flags.bBridgePropertyCall ) { // call to the bridge internal object. // these calls MUST be executed within the dispatcher thread in order // to synchronize properly with protocol changes // NOTE : Threadid is not preserved for this call. // lock the marshaling NOW ! { MutexGuard guard( m_pBridgeImpl->m_marshalingMutex ); pMultiJob->execute(); if( m_pBridgeImpl->m_pPropertyObject->changesHaveBeenCommited() ) { Properties props; props = m_pBridgeImpl->m_pPropertyObject->getCommitedChanges(); // This call modified the protocol, apply the changes NOW ! m_pBridgeImpl->applyProtocolChanges( props ); } } delete pMultiJob; pMultiJob = 0; } } else { //-------------------------- // handle reply //-------------------------- if( pMultiJob ) { pMultiJob->initiate(); pMultiJob = 0; } if( pLastRemoteI ) { pLastRemoteI->release( pLastRemoteI ); pLastRemoteI = 0; } ClientJob *pClientJob = m_pBridgeImpl->m_clientJobContainer.remove( *( ByteSequence * )ppLastTid ); // Bridge MUST be already disposed, otherwise we got a wrong threadid // from remote ! OSL_ASSERT( pClientJob || m_pBridgeImpl->m_bDisposed ); if( ! pClientJob ) { OUStringBuffer error( 128 ); error.appendAscii( "ThreadID " ); OString o = byteSequence2HumanReadableString( *(ByteSequence* )ppLastTid ); error.appendAscii( o.getStr(), o.getLength() ); error.appendAscii( " unknown, so couldn't unmarshal reply" ); m_pBridgeImpl->addError( error.makeStringAndClear() ); pLastRemoteI = 0; disposeEnvironment(); break; } pClientJob->m_bExceptionOccured = flags.bException; pClientJob->setUnmarshal( &m_unmarshal ); #ifdef BRIDGES_URP_PROT sMemberName = pClientJob->m_pMethodType ? pClientJob->m_pMethodType->aBase.pMemberName : pClientJob->m_pAttributeType->aBase.pMemberName; sal_uInt32 nLogHeader = m_unmarshal.getPos(); #endif if( ! pClientJob->extract( ) ) { // severe error during extracting, dispose pLastRemoteI = 0; // stubs are released during dispose eitherway disposeEnvironment(); break; } #ifdef BRIDGES_URP_PROT urp_logGettingReply( m_pBridgeImpl, m_unmarshal.getPos() - nLogStart, m_unmarshal.getPos() - nLogHeader, sMemberName ); #endif sal_Bool bBridgePropertyCallAndWaitingForReply = m_pBridgeImpl->m_pPropertyObject->waitingForCommitChangeReply() && pClientJob->isBridgePropertyCall(); pClientJob->initiate(); if( bBridgePropertyCallAndWaitingForReply ) { // NOTE : This must be the reply for commit change. The new properties // are now applied by the clientJob thread, but the reader thread // must wait for it, because the next message on the wire already // uses the new protocol settings. // waiting for the commit change reply m_pBridgeImpl->m_pPropertyObject->waitUntilChangesAreCommitted(); } } } // end while( !m_unmarshal.finished() ) if( pLastRemoteI ) pLastRemoteI->release( pLastRemoteI ); if( pMultiJob ) pMultiJob->initiate(); if( pEnvRemote ) pEnvRemote->release( pEnvRemote ); } if( m_pConnection ) { m_pConnection->release( m_pConnection ); m_pConnection = 0; } } }
Description: PGP signature