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Re: Annoying error


Thomas Marteau wrote:
> Firstly, I would like to thank your team for the work you are doing. I 
> am running unstable version of Debian.

thanks :)

> While executing openoffice, I had an annoying error message about uname 
> I am sure you are familiar to. I hope you could do some for me.

Yes. I have seen that too...

> The bad script is in /usr/lib/openoffice/program/ and its name is 
> sopatchlevel.sh.
> I attached a diff file that corrects the behaviour.
> I am sorry if you have already report the bug to the core open office 
> devel team.

As far as I know not..

> Hope this helps, Thomas.

I'll look what that brings but it looks fairly trivial and OK to


 .''`.  René Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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