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naming of MySpell dictionaris

Hi Chris,

>    - add symlinking in rules to make mozilla happy; mozilla wants e.g.
>     de-DE.{dic.aff} instead of de_DE.{dic.aff} as OOo wants
Actually, for OOo you can name the dictionaries anything for OOo as long as 
you use the correct entry in the dictionary.lst file and the same name for 
the .aff and .dic files

For example, the following will work...

mv en_US.aff en-US.aff
mv en_US.dic en-US.dic

if in the dictionary.lst you use this line:

DICT en US en-US

So you just might want to change the names of the OOo dictionaries 
permananetly to allow them to work with Mozilla as well.

If you like that, I can try to work with Richard to rename the packages 
upstream to allow them to work well with Mozilla as well.


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