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Re: openoffice.org- l10n, spellcheck ,help -hu

Hi again,

> I cannot check with -help-en right now, because the URL of the
> helpcontent thing doesn't work :(, but when I look at the helpcontent
> packages we have made and were unable to upload it to sid due to
> licensing issues, I do not find -hu there.
> Chris? Are there -hu ones? Or BaliHB, where did you get one?

To be clear: The files from .../helpcontent which I found on the mirrors
have sbasic49.zip  schart49.zip  shared49.zip    smath49.zip
helpxsl.zip  scalc49.zip   sdraw49.zip   simpress49.zip  swriter49.zip
as files where the actual files to be copied in are.

What is with -hu one?

I may not oppose to have the same usr/* structure if that is on the
place where you got them or wrote them youself. I just wanted to
know where you got them.

And when we are going to package it, please package it as .orig.tar.gz,
diff.gz and .dsc.
See http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/



 .''`.  Rene Engelhard -- Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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 `. `'  rene@debian.org | GnuPG-Key ID: 248AEB73
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