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[installer@ftp-master.debian.org: openoffice.org_1.0.3-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED]

----- Forwarded message from Debian Installer <installer@ftp-master.debian.org> -----

From: Debian Installer <installer@ftp-master.debian.org>
To: jan.palic@linux-debian.de
Subject: openoffice.org_1.0.3-2_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED
Date: Sun, 04 May 2003 14:02:37 -0400

  to pool/contrib/o/openoffice.org/openoffice.org-bin_1.0.3-2_powerpc.deb

Thank you for your contribution to Debian.

----- End forwarded message -----

  .''`.    Jan-Hendrik Palic     |
 : :' : ** Debian GNU/ Linux **  |   ** OpenOffice.org **       ,.. ,..
 `. `'   http://www.debian.org   | http://www.openoffice.org  ,: ..`   `
   `-  jan.palic@linux-debian.de |                           '  `  `

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