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Re: openoffice.org italian spellcheck package

Hi Alessandro,

Alessandro Ronchi wrote:
> I want to contribute to debian openoffice team, with mantaining the 
> openoffice.org-spellcheck-it-it package (and after that, maybe some other 
> packages).
> I CC this email to Cosimo Alfarano, a debian mantainer I've contacted to ask 
> to be my sponsor for the package.
> He said to me that's better to have as sponsor a mantainer more involved with 
> openoffice debian package.


> So, I write this message to ask if someone can help me to contribute the 
> Italian openoffice.org spellcheck package.

Please wait some time, we are deploying a new policy for these packages.
There will be a new package name "myspell-*" and new locations where you
have to install that too.

I think, the most steps are done now, now I need to integrate the policy
into dictionaries-common....

You will receive a mail from me when it is time...



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