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Re: openoffice.org1.1: openoffice can not load libodbc.so

Hi Juergen,

On Sun, May 25, 2003 at 05:59:06PM +0200, Juergen Lueters wrote:
> trying to use a odbc datasource fails. Openoffice complaisn that the
> library libodbc.so can not be used. openoffice.org1.0.3 does work.

Thanks for noticing this and for your report.  I've submitted upstream
issue#14940 and will include a patch in the next package version.

For now, you can work around this by creating these links (as root):

# ln -s libodbc.so.1 /usr/lib/libodbc.so
# ln -s libodbcinst.so.1 /usr/lib/libodbcinst.so


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