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[SOLVED] Keyboard freeze once in a while
Akonadi mail caching (was: Re: Lost mail, etc.)
Re: Bug#1 Freeze
Re: Compositing Problem
Re: Is anyone else experiencing intermittent Plasma freezes as of very recently?
Re: KDialog very slow on stretch
Kmail : Main Folder becomes a trash
Kmail attachment and drag and drop
KMail: find messages won't work
Re: konsole --version crashes
Kopete 16.12.0 in Debian
linux-image-4.9.0-1-amd64 + nvidia-legacy-304xx-driver + xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
Long delays after suspend
Lost mail, etc.
new kirigami version released
Re: Plasma 5.8.5 coming and some other rough status information
sddm not starting on unstable
Searching in dolphin
Start of Plasmashell at the beginning of the Session
stretch/KDE5: icons disappeared from system tray
stretch/KDE: system notifications at 100% volume
The last update was on 07:20 GMT Thu Jun 06. There are 83 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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