Re: Lost mail, etc.
Am Montag, 30. Januar 2017, 12:46:59 CET schrieb Martin Steigerwald:
> > I have a lot of data in
> >
> > ~/.local/share/akonadi/file_db_data
> >
> > If this directory is pretty much empty, then your mail is probably gone.
> > If
> > that directory is still huge, there seems to be some data left, not sure
> > how you recover the content though (it seems to be one file per mail, you
> > could open it with less or an other pager or editor).
> Sorry, thats dangerous half-knowledge.
> While it could be that something is in there, that Akonadi didn´t save
> elsewhere (yet), Akonadi is still mostly a cache. The real mail data is
> elsewhere.
Just to really prove my point so it hopefully sinks in:
martin@merkaba:~/.local/share> du -sh akonadi/file_db_data ; find akonadi/
file_db_data -type f | wc -l
178M akonadi/file_db_data
martin@merkaba:~/.local/share> du -sh local-mail ; find local-mail -type f | wc
25G local-mail
So Rainer, where do you think is all my mail?
Compare to local-mail file_db_data is almost empty, yet all my mails are
perfectly there in KMail.
And considering IMAP: I wouldn´t want all that 25 GiB of mails on my server –
for security and space requirement reasons. And in no way I would want it an a
Google or Yahoo server or any other IMAP server with a company that makes
profit with my data and deals with privacy requirements like it being an
annoyance to deal with. With Posteo I would pay quite a bit for this amount of
mail. What could work for me, would be, having the last months or maybe the
last year on IMAP on my server and automatically archiving it to local storage
after that, but I never researched into a sane, simple and elegant way to do
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