Re: Long delays after suspend
probably solved.
I broke it with pulseaudio settings "tuning"
I set this in /etc/pulse/
load-module module-native-protocol-unix auth-anonymous=1 socket=/tmp/pulse-shared-socket-name
and in
default-server = unix:/tmp/pulse-shared-socket-name
autospawn stopped to work, caused some stalls/locks/timeouts.
On pátek 6. ledna 2017 14:33:08 CET Libor Klepáč wrote:
> [This sender failed our fraud detection checks and may not be who they appear to be. Learn about spoofing at]
> Hello,
> since last week, I'm experiencing long delays/failures on lot of events.
> For example it takes minutes to lock screen, suspend doesn't work, plasma
> cannot control volume, kscreen doesn't detect new screen on putting laptop to
> docking station, kde-telepathy asking saved passwords ...
> I think that before first suspend, everything works fine, but after resume,
> everything is broken.
> I can't remember, when it started, maybe on upgrade of *gcc* from 6.2.* to
> 6.3.0 ?
> It acts like this even after reboot
> Anyone else experiencing it?
> Libor
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