Re: linux-image-4.9.0-1-amd64 + nvidia-legacy-304xx-driver + xserver-xorg-video-nouveau
On יום שבת, 14 בינואר 2017 14:26:53 IST Jimmy Johnson wrote:
> <This was my report for the 4.8.0-2 kernel> And it still works.
> I updated Sid/testing a couple days ago and retested current drivers,
> "nouveau" is working with sddm okay but froze with plasma(colorful
> lighting bolts). Current nvidia-legacy-304xx is working with XRender
> and compositing enabled and I'm good with that, tested on Stretch too,
> now I can do clean upgrades and I'm happy. Thank you Debian!
> linux-image-4.9.0-1-amd64 is behaving like image-4.8 used to behave
> nouveau froze with plasma(colorful lighting bolts). Debian's
> nvidia-legacy-304xx-driver is freezing with plasma start.
> On first boot plasma loaded the vga driver giving me the wrong screen
> size and did not load the installed nvidia driver at all. Booting
> linux-image-4.9.0-1-amd64 and reinstalling nvidia-legacy-304xx-driver
> crashed plasma and so did nouveau. I'm back to using
> nvidia-legacy-304xx-driver and linux-image-4.8.0-2-amd64 with XRender
> and compositing enabled.
I just tried the 4.9.0-1-amd64. Worked for me the same as the 4.8. No better
with XRender.
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