Re: Kopete 16.12.0 in Debian
On Sunday 15 January 2017 12:21:14 Pali Rohár wrote:
> Hi! I would like to tell you that Kopete in version 16.12.0 has finally
> fixed OTR plugin. Older Kopete versions lot of times crashed when OTR
> was in use or incorrectly show encryption status.
> I see that for Debian stretch is planed just version 16.08.1 with one
> OTR patch. But this one does not fix other OTR problems.
> I would like to ask if you update Kopete package to version 16.12.0 as
> it would be good to have non-crashing OTR support in upcoming Debian
> stable release.
> There are basically just 3 changes in Kopete between 16.08 and 16.12
> versions: X-OAuth2 jabber support; OTR fixes; Updated URI of jabber
> server list (details are in kopete git, just 12 commits)
> As Kopete depends on KDE 4.7 or higher Debian should have all needed
> build dependency in archive (which means that Kopete does not depend on
> last KDE Frameworks or Applications).
Hi! What do think about it?
Pali Rohár
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