debian-i18n May 2012 by thread
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[DDTSS]: error fetching a new package
Davide Prina
Re: [DDTSS]: error fetching a new package
Martijn van Oosterhout
[DDTSS]: error fetching in-system package
Martin Eberhard Schauer
Re: [DDTSS]: error fetching a new package
Davide Prina
Announce of an upcoming upload for the sensible-utils package
David Prévot
Debian i18n sprint "towards" - current status of the proposal
Christian PERRIER
Re: Debian i18n sprint "towards" - current status of the proposal
Christian PERRIER
Debian i18n sprint "towards" - new status
Christian PERRIER
Re: Debian i18n sprint "towards" - new status
Stefano Zacchiroli
Re: Debian i18n sprint "towards" - new status
Christian PERRIER
Re: Debian i18n sprint "towards" - new status
Stefano Zacchiroli
Re: Debian i18n sprint "towards" - new status
Martin Zobel-Helas
Re: Debian i18n sprint "towards" - new status
Christian PERRIER
Announce of an upcoming upload for the pppconfig package
David Prévot
Announce of an upcoming upload for the unp package
David Prévot
Announce of the upcoming NMU for the durep package
Christian PERRIER
Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of tripwire to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Announce of an upcoming upload for the adduser package
David Prévot
Announce of an upcoming upload for the cwidget package
David Prévot
Re: Announce of an upcoming upload for the cwidget package
Sven Joachim
Re: Bug#655689: Announce of an upcoming upload for the cwidget package
David Prévot
Re: Announce of an upcoming upload for the cwidget package
Christian PERRIER
Call for help (was: Announce of an upcoming upload for the cwidget package)
David Prévot
Use of UTF-8 triple points … instead of "..."
Martin Eberhard Schauer
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points … instead of "..."
Mirosław Zalewski
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points … instead of "..."
Christian PERRIER
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points … instead of "..."
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points ? instead of "..."
MJ Ray
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points ? instead of "..."
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points ? instead of "..."
Florian Rehnisch
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points ? instead of "..."
MJ Ray
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points ? instead of "..."
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points ? instead of "..."
MJ Ray
Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of postfixadmin to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Re: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of postfixadmin to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Gaudenz Steinlin
Re: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of postfixadmin to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of collectd to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
graphite-carbon 0.9.9+debian-2: Please translate debconf PO for the package graphite-carbon
Christian Perrier
Re: pppconfig 2.3.18+nmu3: Please update the PO translation for the package pppconfig
How to detect an MIA translator (was: pppconfig 2.3.18+nmu3: Please update the PO translation for the package pppconfig)
David Prévot
Intent to NMU webfs to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Re: Intent to NMU webfs to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Mats Erik Andersson
Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of msmtp to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Re: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of msmtp to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Announce of the upcoming NMU for the webfs package
Christian PERRIER
Announce of the upcoming NMU for the tripwire package
Christian PERRIER
nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Cyril Lavier
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Cyril Lavier
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Cyril Lavier
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Christian PERRIER
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Kartik Mistry
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Christian PERRIER
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Cyril Lavier
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Re: nginx 1.2.0-1: Call for translations
Cyril Lavier
[Last call + few days] dctrl-tools 2.22: Please translate the package dctrl-tools
David Prévot
Re: Use of UTF-8 triple points … instead of "..."
Daniel Hartwig
Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Christian PERRIER
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Sebastian Harl
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Sebastian Harl
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Christian PERRIER
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Christian PERRIER
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Christian PERRIER
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Sebastian Harl
Re: Bug#660918: Announce of the upcoming NMU for the collectd package
Helge Kreutzmann
DPN 10/2012 frozen. Please review and translate
Francesca Ciceri
Re: DPN 10/2012 frozen. Please review and translate
Jonathan Wiltshire
Re: DPN 10/2012 frozen. Please review and translate
Filipus Klutiero
[DDTSS]: internal error fetching librhash-ruby and librd-ruby
Davide Prina
SV: [DDTSS]: internal error fetching librhash-ruby and librd-ruby
Joe Dalton
Re: [DDTSS]: internal error fetching librhash-ruby and librd-ruby
Davide Prina
SV: [DDTSS]: internal error fetching librhash-ruby and librd-ruby
Joe Dalton
Re: [DDTSS]: internal error fetching librhash-ruby and librd-ruby
Martijn van Oosterhout
SV: [DDTSS]: internal error fetching librhash-ruby and librd-ruby
Joe Dalton
Intent to NMU backuppc to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
po4a using both builddir and srcdir
Roger Leigh
Re: Bug#588962: po4a using both builddir and srcdir
Thomas Blein
Re: [buildd-tools-devel] Bug#588962: po4a using both builddir and srcdir
Roger Leigh
Re: Bug#588962: po4a using both builddir and srcdir
David Prévot
Re: [buildd-tools-devel] Bug#588962: po4a using both builddir and srcdir
Roger Leigh
Re: [buildd-tools-devel] Bug#588962: po4a using both builddir and srcdir
David Prévot
Pós-Graduação EPD, sua melhor escolha! Matrículas abertas.
Escola Paulista de Direito - EPD
Intent to NMU nullmailer to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Re: Intent to NMU nullmailer to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Nick Leverton
Re: Intent to NMU nullmailer to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Re: Intent to NMU nullmailer to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Nick Leverton
Re: Bug#659446: Intent to NMU nullmailer to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs
Christian PERRIER
Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Christian PERRIER
Re: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Ian Jackson
Re: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Christian PERRIER
Re: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Ian Jackson
Re: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Ian Jackson
Re: Bug#660965: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Christian PERRIER
Re: Bug#660965: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Christian PERRIER
Re: Bug#660965: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Ian Jackson
Re: Bug#660965: Exploring the possibility of an l10n upload of xfonts-traditional to fix pending po-debconf l10n bugs (and debconf templates changes)
Christian PERRIER
[DDTSS]: the DDTSS system go down if I try to open a package description
Davide Prina
SV: [DDTSS]: the DDTSS system go down if I try to open a package description
Joe Dalton
SV: [DDTSS]: the DDTSS system go down if I try to open a package description
Joe Dalton
Re: SV: [DDTSS]: the DDTSS system go down if I try to open a package description
Davide Prina
Re: SV: [DDTSS]: the DDTSS system go down if I try to open a package description
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: SV: [DDTSS]: the DDTSS system go down if I try to open a package description
Martijn van Oosterhout
Re: mumble-django: Debconf abuse: mumble-django/run-mumble-django-configure
Helge Kreutzmann
Re: mumble-django: Debconf abuse: mumble-django/run-mumble-django-configure
Christian PERRIER
Bug#570074: marked as done (traceroute: [l10n-fr] Encoding problems with the french description of the package)
Debian Bug Tracking System
Announce of the upcoming NMU for the backuppc package
Christian PERRIER
collectd 4.10.7-1: Please translate debconf PO for the package collectd
Christian Perrier
console-data dropped from D-I i18n "level 2"
Christian PERRIER
Moving the target of localization pokes (and eventually NMUs)...
Christian PERRIER
SV: Moving the target of localization pokes (and eventually NMUs)...
Joe Dalton
Re: SV: Moving the target of localization pokes (and eventually NMUs)...
Christian PERRIER
Re: SV: Moving the target of localization pokes (and eventually NMUs)...
Christian PERRIER
Reminder for graphite-carbon translation updates
Christian PERRIER
Soon to come: review for ledgersmb debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: ledgersmb debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Soon to come: review for icinga debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: icinga debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
DPN freeze delayed
Francesca Ciceri
Debian Project News 2012/11 frozen. Please review and translate.
Francesca Ciceri
Soon to come: review for uptimed debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: uptimed debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Soon to come: review for nagvis debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: nagvis debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Status of completion, in wheezy, for 7 languages targeting 100% (po-debconf translations)
Christian PERRIER
schroot 1.6.0-1: Please translate the package schroot
Roger Leigh
<Possible follow-ups>
schroot 1.6.0-1: Please translate the package schroot
Roger Leigh
Soon to come: review for nova debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: nova debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Soon to come: review for nginx debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Review in progress: nginx debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Re: Review in progress: nginx debconf templates
Christian PERRIER
Re: Review in progress: nginx debconf templates
Kartik Mistry
Re: Review in progress: nginx debconf templates
Christian Perrier
The last update was on 15:31 GMT Wed May 01. There are 138 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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