debian-hurd Jul 2007 by thread
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[debian-hurd-Bugs][304346] rnibgmbk debian-hurd-bugs
[debian-hurd-Bugs][304577] coreutils' su no longer works debian-hurd-bugs
RE: Silas Holloway
maximum size of Hurd partitions arnuld
Source List Christopher West
Is there a driver for ethernet card BCM4401 lost ecko
Debian-hurd Lynnette
Compiling glibc-2.5 k. bottle
GCC Spec File for Profiling Michael Casadevall
[debian-hurd-Patches][304048] #407114: unixodbc: FTBFS on hurd-i386 & kfreebsd-i386 debian-hurd-patches
weak _pthread_mutex_lock() Samuel Thibault
Gettext 0.16 patch Michael Casadevall
[debian-hurd-Patches][303671] [Debian BTS #380097] qt4-x11: FTBFS on hurd-i386: missing GNU detection + POSIX incompatibilities debian-hurd-patches
Bug#433539: gcc-4.1: profiling support on hurd Michael Casadevall
Bug#433716: file: File doesn't compile on Debian GNU/Hurd Michael Casadevall
unsubcribe capitaine pouce
Bug#45796: Time to say okay Ngoc Price
[debian-hurd-Patches][304620] #433816: emacs22 debian-hurd-patches
GCC 4.2 transition Matthias Klose
[debian-hurd-Bugs][304630] #366440: freetds(GNU/k*BSD|Hurd): FTBFS: out of date libtool scripts debian-hurd-bugs
Re: problems installing grub Michael Banck
Re: Re Re: Hurd LX image<NEW installer>>>check it out Peter Kotrcka
Processing of hurd_20070606-2.changes Archive Administrator
hurd_20070606-2.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
hurd override disparity Debian Installer
Please test/upgrade to hurd_20070606-2 Michael Banck
balrogs hurd images and network failure Andrew Sackville-West
Confusion about where to go in Hurd Andrew Sackville-West
GCC 4.2 status w.r.t. glibc, hurd Thomas Schwinge
Bug#434937: gcc-4.2: Profiling on Hurd procudes a non-working executable Michael Casadevall
The last update was on 06:00 GMT Sun May 19. There are 182 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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