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Re: Now that I have a working GNU operating system.

On Wed, Jul 11, 2007 at 01:25:47PM -0400, Teague MacRoot wrote:
> 1.  Is there a list of applications that are already known to work?

No. We are interested in hearing about applications which do *not* work,

Either report them here, or (preferably, so that they don't get lost) in
the bug tracker at alioth:

> B)  Since I now have a working wmaker desktop, what else do I need ( 
> besides build-essential & libc-dev ) to be able to compile source code 
> to run on the hurd?

In priniple, yes.  Usually, you need additional Build-Depends which are
specified in the Debian source package, add a deb-src to sources.list
and run apt-get build-dep <package> to install them.

> iii Can I download any source tarball and run "./configure && make && 
> make install" and get the app/lib to work in the hurd?  

That depends.  It should work in theory if the application is POSIX
compliant and does not rely on any features that are not yet implemented
or are unavailable by design in the Hurd.

> Also, since this is Debian, should I set the --prefix=/usr flag when
> compiling source code?
Yes, probably, if you have a real /usr directory and not a symlink to /.


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