On Sat, Jul 14, 2007 at 02:36:02PM -0400, Michael Casadevall wrote:
Looking at the buildd logs, it looks like gcc-4.2 is broken at the moment
on Hurd,
Nah, it should compile fine giving enough patience. A reasonably
uptodate package is on ftp.debian.org mirrors, I just killed the builds
of newer gcc-4.2 versions at the last few instances to save the buildd
CPU cycles for other packages.
I usually compile gcc-4.2 on my Thinkpad when I get around doing it,
it's much faster than the buildd. You still need the Debian patches, of
and given the difficulty I had getting 4.1 working, its going to
be a royal pain to fix. I've never worked on GCC before, but looking
at the site, 4.1 has stopped accepting patches, and 4.2 is frozen,
which means it looks like any new patches will have to go into 4.3.
I've never worked on getting patches merged upstream, so it would be
an interesting experience to say the least.
Right, that's pretty interesting for gcc apparently. I /think/ you
should file a bugzilla bug and then mail your patch to some gcc-patches
mailing list for evaluation, just filing bugs won't make upstream apply
the patches I believe.
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