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Re: GCC Spec File for Profiling

Given that's the case, I finished making my patch (it was already based off the debian sources - I couldn't get GCC to compile without those patches), and I rebuilt GCC locally to make sure it worked properly with and without profiling. I forgot to save a copy of gnu.h before I edited it so I'm waiting for debian/rules to resetup the source tree so I can make a proper diff.

Looking at the buildd logs, it looks like gcc-4.2 is broken at the moment on Hurd, and given the difficulty I had getting 4.1 working, its going to be a royal pain to fix. I've never worked on GCC before, but looking at the site, 4.1 has stopped accepting patches, and 4.2 is frozen, which means it looks like any new patches will have to go into 4.3. I've never worked on getting patches merged upstream, so it would be an interesting experience to say the least.

I do have some experience bootstrapping and working with GCC (I've built quite a few cross-compilers, and I struggled to get regression testing done on said cross-compilers (a tricky and poorly documented process)) but I never fixed regression should they fail or otherwise incidate a problem.

The best course of action would to probably see if we can just get 4.2 bootstrapped (with as few patches as possible), get those included upstream, and then work on resolving regressions (should there be any for Hurd).

 On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, Michael Banck wrote:

On Sat, Jul 14, 2007 at 11:38:59AM -0400, Michael Casadevall wrote:
It will take some time, I need to run GCC's regression tests before I'll
submit a patch; I don't want to unintentionally break something. If you
perfer I just submit a patch and not run regression testing, thats fine.

In general, check what the Debian package does (there's a
hurd-changes.dpatch in the source package, which slightly changes the
spec as well I think in order to add -pthread and -ffast-math support).

I don't think anybody ran the regression suite for gcc in a long while;
neither for Debian GNU/Hurd nor just the Hurd (maybe I'm wrong on the
latter), so if you want to step in and care for gcc WRT GNU Hurd, that
would be highly appreciated.  The whole gcc/config/*gnu* stuff might
need an overhaul, see http://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=28102
for reference as well.  If you could look at the current Debian changes
(modulo the --prefix=/usr change, which is Debian specific) and look at
getting them applied upstream, that would be great.



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