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Re: Source List

On Fri, Jul 13, 2007 at 10:50:42AM +0100, Christopher West wrote:
> I've just got hurd up and running under qemu and I'm having problems
> syncing it with the repositories. 
> What repositories should I have in my source.list?

One for the main Debian hurd-i386 unstable mirror, one for the gnuab

Something like:

deb http://ftp.gnuab.org/debian unreleased main
deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian unstable main

Replace "de" with your country code, or just insert your favourite
Debian mirror there.

You might want to add non-free at the end of the second line to get
access to the GNU documentation for autoconf, automake, glibc, emacs
etc. which Debian considers non-free, currently, for reasons which are
off-topic here.


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