debian-devel Feb 2019 by thread
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- Work-needing packages report for Feb 1, 2019 wnpp
- Is multiple-layers of alternatives a good thing to users? Mo Zhou
- Re: Bug#881333: tracking OpenGL support for specific boards Timo Jyrinki
- Bug#921076: ITP: pound -- reverse proxy, load balancer and HTTPS front-end for Web servers Carsten Leonhardt
- Bug#921078: ITP: libsystem-sub-perl -- wrap external command with a DWIM sub Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921143: ITP: python-tesserocr -- Python wrapper for the tesseract-ocr API Michael Fladischer
- Bug#921147: ITP: eye -- semantic web reasoning engine Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921150: ITP: golang-github-arduino-go-paths-helper Rock Storm
- Bug#921158: ITP: plyara -- Parse YARA rules into a dictionary representation. Robert Haist
- Bug#921171: ITP: liblogger-simple-perl -- Simran-Log-Log and Simran-Error-Error modules Steffen Moeller
- Bug#921182: ITP: braker -- guides from NGS to whole genome annotation Steffen Moeller
- Bug#921202: ITP: votca-xtp -- Exciton transport simulation for VOTCA Nicholas Breen
- Bug#921234: ITP: node-base64url -- conversion to and from base64url Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921251: ITP: opentimestamps-client -- command line client for opentimestamps Hanno Stock
- Bug#921261: ITP: python-opentimestamps -- Python3 library for creating and verifying OpenTimestamps proofs Hanno Stock
- Bug#921276: ITP: gotop -- A terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#921277: ITP: libmml-java -- Minimum Message Length (MML) inductive inference library. James Collier
- Bug#921283: ITP: node-trust-keyto -- utility for translating cryptographic keys between representations Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921285: ITP: golang-github-cjbassi-drawille-go -- Pixel graphics in terminal with unicode braille characters (golang) Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#921286: ITP: termui -- Golang terminal dashboard Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#921287: ITP: battery -- cross-platform, normalized battery information library Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#921288: ITP: golang-github-protonmail-go-appdir -- Minimalistic Go package to get application directories such as config and cache Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#921292: ITP: node-node-rsa -- RSA library for Node.js Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921302: ITP: silver-platter -- automatic merge proposal creator Jelmer Vernooij
- Bug#921303: ITP: node-trust-webcrypto -- WebCrypto API for Node.js Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921304: ITP: node-solid-oidc-op -- OpenID Connect Provider for Node.js Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921307: ITP: node-trust-jwa -- JSON Web Algorithm Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921309: ITP: node-trust-json-document -- JSON Document manipulation library Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921311: ITP: canboat -- NMEA 2000 (and 0183) toolkit for marine data networks Philip J Freeman
- Bug#921313: ITP: node-solid-keychain -- keychain for use with Web Cryptography API in Node.js Jonas Smedegaard
- Bug#921322: ITP: node-solid-jose -- JSON Object Signing and Encryption for Node.js Jonas Smedegaard
- Re: Accepted emacs 1:26.1+1-3.2 (source amd64 all) into unstable, unstable Holger Levsen
- Bug#921345: ITP: python-miio -- Python library for interfacing with Xiaomi smart appliances Johannes 'josch' Schauer
- Switch to DEP-14-ish with an existing "debian" branch Peter Pentchev
- Bug#921347: ITP: platformio -- open source ecosystem for IoT development Peter Zahradnik
- Bug#921348: ITP: libtest-memorygrowth-perl -- module to assert that code does not cause growth in memory usage gregor herrmann
- Bug#921353: ITP: libmurmurhash -- portable murmurhash implementation Fabian Kloetzl
- Bug#921372: ITP: triehash -- generator for perfect hash functions as C code Julian Andres Klode
- Re: Upcoming Qt switch to OpenGL ES on arm64 Geoff Levand
- Bug#921385: ITP: jsbundle-web-interfaces -- collection of we-interface-related tiny JavaScript packages Jonas Smedegaard
- package management symlink Valor Naram
- Hierarchical tasksel / Blends support (Was: Debian Installer Buster Alpha 5 release) Andreas Tille
- Should we list Patreon funding pages in d/u/metadata? Steffen Möller
- Bug#921422: ITP: spirv-llvm-translator -- bi-directional translator for LLVM/SPIRV Timo Aaltonen
- Bug#921426: ITP: opencl-clang -- thin wrapper for clang Timo Aaltonen
- Bug#921453: ITP: libgraphqlparser -- parser for GraphQL Nicolas Mora
- Bug#921464: ITP: gnome-books -- ebook reader for GNOME Jeremy Bicha
- Bug#921496: ITP: swayidle -- Idle management daemon for Wayland Birger Schacht
- Bug#921497: ITP: swaylock -- Screen locker for Wayland Birger Schacht
- Reusing source package name of long-removed, unrelated package Gard Spreemann
- Bug#921514: ITP: spaln -- splicing-aware transcript-alignment to genomic DNA Steffen Moeller
- Bug#921516: ITP: r-cran-prettycode -- pretty print GNU R code in the terminal Andreas Tille
- Bug#921517: ITP: r-cran-cliapp -- create rich command line applications in GNU R Andreas Tille
- Bug#921519: ITP: mozilla-deepspeech -- TensorFlow implementation of Baidu's DeepSpeech architecture Jonathan Carter
- Bug#921560: ITP: bifcl -- The Bro/Zeek Built-In-Functions Compiler Hilko Bengen
- Bug#921561: ITP: broker -- Bro's messaging library Hilko Bengen
- Bug#921576: ITP: libhtml-tidy5-perl -- HTML validation in a Perl object gregor herrmann
- Bug#921626: ITP: libregexp-trie-perl -- Perl module for building a trie-ized regular expression Peter Pentchev
- Bug#921627: ITP: libperl-prereqscanner-notquitelite-perl -- Perl module for scanning Perl code for prerequisites Peter Pentchev
- Re: Bug#877900: How to get 24-hour time on en_US.UTF-8 locale now? Adam Borowski
- Handling build-depends-indep for non-x86 source packages (was: Bug#921458: qemu-system-common: dependancy on gcc-s390x-linux-gnu fails on non-x86 hosts) Alex Bennée
- Bug#921689: ITP: python-aioice -- library for Interactive Connectivity Establishment W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#921690: ITP: python-av -- Pythonic binding for the FFmpeg libraries W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#921691: ITP: python-pylibsrtp -- Python wrapper around libsrtp W. Martin Borgert
- Work-needing packages report for Feb 8, 2019 wnpp
- Bug#921707: RFP: glowing-bear -- Web-based graphical interface for WeeChat Giovanni Mascellani
- Re: V8 depends from outdated and unmaintained libv8 with security issues Jérémy Lal
- SIMDebian: Debian Partial Fork with Radical ISA Baseline Mo Zhou
- Fwd: Status of PHP support in stretch Jochen Spieker
- Namespace for system users Philipp Kern
- Bug#921949: ITP: golang-github-containers-storage -- Reinhard Tartler
- Bug#921954: O: gnulib -- GNU Portability Library Jonas Smedegaard
- ibus debian/control recommends best practice Osamu Aoki
- Bug#921989: ITP: sozu -- a fast, reliable, hot reconfigurable HTTP reverse proxy Nicolas Braud-Santoni
- Bug#922002: ITP: gotop -- terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop Mo Zhou
- Bug#922076: RFP: python-pydrive -- Python API for Google Drive Giovanni Mascellani
- Bug#922089: ITP: golang-github-mtrmac-gpgme -- Go wrapper for the GPGME library Reinhard Tartler
- Bug#922102: ITP: libopusenc -- High-level API for encoding Ogg Opus audio streams Ron
- Re: Recreating history of a package peter green
- Bug#922122: ITP: python-periphery -- Peripheral I/O Michael Fladischer
- Bug#922124: ITP: golang-github-ulikunitz-xz -- Pure golang package for reading and writing xz-compressed files Reinhard Tartler
- Re: RFP: rethinkdb -- scalable document database with push support Andreas Tille
- Bug#922126: RFA: xen-tools -- Tools to manage Xen virtual servers Axel Beckert
- Re: Handling of entropy during boot Ben Hutchings
- Bug#922154: ITP: libldac -- A lossy audio codec for Bluetooth connections Andrej Shadura
- Re: [Pkg-matrix-maintainers] ITP: matrix-archive-keyring -- OpenPGP archive key for the package repository Jonas Smedegaard
- Removal of linux-base from jessie-backports broke Xen upstream CI Ian Jackson
- Bug#922226: ITP: intel-mediasdk -- Intel Media SDK Timo Aaltonen
- Bug#922244: ITP: intel-cm-compiler -- Intel C-for-Media compiler Timo Aaltonen
- Bug#922292: ITP: social-app-webpy -- component of the python-social-auth ecosystem W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#922294: ITP: social-examples -- collection of examples implementations of the python-social-auth ecosystem W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#922335: ITP: convertdate -- Converts between Gregorian dates and other calendar Antoine Beaupre
- Bug#922353: ITP: socket-activate -- Run a socket-activated daemon with minimal dependencies Daniel Kahn Gillmor
- Work-needing packages report for Feb 15, 2019 wnpp
- Bug#922366: ITP: blur-network-gui -- A graphical frontend to the Blur Network wallet. BLUR is an experimental, privacy-focused cryptocurrency. who-biz
- Bug#922377: ITP: sibelia -- comparative genomics tool Andreas Tille
- Use of the Build-Conflicts field Sean Whitton
- Directory for .gir (gobject-introspection) files? (Multi-Arch) W. Martin Borgert
- Removal of icu-config (does your package still detect libicu) Scott Kitterman
- Bug#922518: ITP: libdata-methodproxy-perl -- module to inject dynamic data into static data gregor herrmann
- Bug#922522: ITP: waylandpp -- wayland compositor infrastructure - C++ development files Balint Reczey
- Bug#922528: ITP: golang-github-arduino-go-timeutils -- Functions to handle timezones in golang Rock Storm
- Re: Would be possible to have a ".treeinfo" file added to the installers' page? Fabiano Fidêncio
- libnode *might* need abi bump related to openssl 1.1.1 api break... or not... Jérémy Lal
- Bug#922628: ITP: dt -- DNS tool - display information about your domain Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#922629: ITP: golang-github-ammario-ipisp -- Golang IP to ISP library utilizing team cymru's IP to ASN service Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#922631: ITP: golang-github-briandowns-spinner -- Go (golang) package for providing a terminal spinner/progress indicator with options. Antoine Beaupré
- Bug#922634: ITP: r-cran-apcluster -- Affinity Propagation Clustering Steffen Moeller
- Bug#922643: ITP: build-alternative -- helper to build Debian package with diet libc Dmitry Bogatov
- Re: Tainted builds (was Re: usrmerge -- plan B?) Guillem Jover
- merged-/usr-via-symlinks damage control (was Re: usrmerge -- plan B?) Guillem Jover
- Bug#922665: general: Intel 8265 wifi failed to be work and be recognised after update and reboot DebianUserSKC
- toulbar2: What will happen if testing migration takes longer than removal from testing Andreas Tille
- Processed (with 1 error): your mail Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processed: your mail Debian Bug Tracking System
- Bug#922689: ITP: lscolors -- Colorize paths using the LS_COLORS environment variable Sylvestre Ledru
- Bug#922703: ITP: kma -- mapping genomic sequences to raw reads directly against redundant databases Andreas Tille
- Bug#922710: ITP: node-vasync utilities for observable asynchronous control flow Suman
- Bug#922712: general: Freezing on log-in screen when booting laptop on battery power Repu
- Use of FATE (FFmpeg Automated Testing Envionment) data? W. Martin Borgert
- Bug#922738: ITP: pmdk-convert -- convert pmdk/pmemobj pools to a given on-memory format Adam Borowski
- Bug#922752: ITP: r-cran-deoptimr -- differential evolution optimization in pure R Andreas Tille
- Bug#922759: ITP: kmerresistance -- correlates mapped genes with the predicted species of WGS samples Andreas Tille
- Bug#922775: ITP: pandoc-plantuml-filter -- Pandoc filter which converts PlantUML code blocks to PlantUML images Hanno Stock
- Unifying logging by default Josh Triplett
- Infinite Tux Infinite Mario with all of the proprietary assets replaced by open and free assets Pedro Pena
- Bug#922842: ITP: golang-github-containers-image -- Work with containers' images Reinhard Tartler
- Re: New bugs features - debian-bugs-forwarded, debian-bugs-quiet Jannette Crespo
- Re: forwarded message from Jannette Crespo
- Work-needing packages report for Feb 22, 2019 wnpp
- Bug#922952: ITP: simdjson -- Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second Mo Zhou
- Bug#922983: ITP: libmodule-build-using-pkgconfig-perl -- Module::Build extension for using platform libraries provided by pkg-config gregor herrmann
- New GNU/kFreeBSD Porterbox James Clarke
- Bug#923027: ITP: python-fire -- library for automatically generating command line interfaces (CLIs) from absolutely any Python object. Mo Zhou
- Bug#923052: ITP: podcast -- command-line podcast player Robin Krahl
- Bug#923161: ITP: node-dtrace-provider --Native DTrace providers for Node.js apps Suman
- FYI/RFC: early-rng-init-tools Thorsten Glaser
- Bug#923183: ITP: golang-github-ruudk-golang-pdf417 -- Port of pdf417-php by ihabunek in Golang Felix Yan
- Bug#923187: ITP: golang-github-golang-freetype -- The Freetype font rasterizer in the Go programming language. Felix Yan
- Bug#923216: ITP: python-fingerprint -- Python 2 and 3 library for using ZhianTec fingerprint sensors Philipp Meisberger
- Bug#923217: ITP: gamewake -- Alarm clock application Philipp Meisberger
- Bug#923218: ITP: python-rfid -- Python 2 and 3 library for 125kHz RFID readers Philipp Meisberger
- Bug#923219: ITP: eclipse-package -- Utility for creating Eclipse Debian packages Philipp Meisberger
- Bug#923220: ITP: arduino-package -- Utility for creating Arduino Debian packages Philipp Meisberger
- Bug#923221: ITP: libpam-fingerprint -- Pluggable Authentication Module for fingerprint authentication Philipp Meisberger
- Bug#923227: ITP: libpam-rfid -- Pluggable Authentication Module for hardware authentication via RFID Philipp Meisberger
- Salsa CI news Inaki Malerba
- Bug#923267: ITP: gnome-shell-extension-bluetooth-quick-connect -- GNOME Shell extension to connect paired Bluetooth devices Simon McVittie
- Report from Debian BSP at tarent solutions GmbH, Bonn Dominik George
- Bug#923326: RFP: trava-jdk-11-dcevm -- Alternative VM for OpenJDK 11 with enhanced class redefinition Michael Meier
- Bug#923343: ITP: pycirkuit -- GUI for Dwight Aplevich Circuit Macros Aniol Marti
- freeze and security fixes Jérémy Lal
- Bug#923300: ITP: golang-github-openshift-imagebuilder -- Builds Dockerfile using the Docker client Reinhard Tartler
The last update was on 06:56 GMT Sun Dec 01. There are 376 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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