debian-arm Dec 2006 by thread
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php on nslu2 Luis Matos
NSLU2 reflashing kernel and rootfs - using installer as rescue Jeff Boles
cordial Younngest Cuties in hardd fuckinng. Jeanne
nslu2 debian installer rc1: RTC, hwclock, reseat the battery, apt-get segmentation fault Nick Abson
Market Headlines Molly Weiss
Re: gnucash regression Matthias Klose
restricted sourceless ARM uploads Aurelien Jarno
apt-get upgrade gives Segmentation faulty tree Bengt Bolinder
~urgent , Re: binNMU? mplayer_1.0~rc1-10_arm.changes REJECTED , not signed A Mennucc
esthetic Eightteens suckinng ! Morton Salter
Freeze exception for mapserver/4.10.0-4 and postgis/1.1.6-2 Fabio Tranchitella
Who is actively porting the Debian architectures? Frans Pop
chilly Capsulees for Peenis George Combs
[D-I] Last chance to update the Installation Guide for Etch Frans Pop
Czute Pyonytailed CUTEGIRCLS Gxiving Bvlowjob & Fgucked Tyler postmaster
frree Gayy siite! Felipe Sanford
We recommend US meds. Walter
fuucking pleasant ! Gwendolyn
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