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Re: restricted sourceless ARM uploads

On Wed, Dec 20, 2006 at 07:27:03PM +0000, Martin Guy wrote:
> 2006/12/20, Wookey <wookey@aleph1.co.uk>:
> >We ought to discuss if there
> >is any significant reason not to use qemu 'machines' instead of actual
> >hardware for slower arches.
> As Wookey knows, I have been building Debian packages to bootstrap the
> armel port of etch under QEMU for a couple of months now, and have had
> all sorts of troubles which traced back to doing this on an NFSroot.
>  Some of this is due to having to use a particularly unreliable NFS
> setup, but some problems are repeatable whenever you build in an NFS
> volume.
> A prime example is the "tar" testsuite which is very picky about
> filesystem behaviour.
> - With a real ARM CPU building on local (USB) storage, it passes all tests
> - With a real ARM CPU over NFS the testsuite fails one test (cyclic renames)
> - From QEMU in a locally-mounted nfsroot it fails a dozen tests.
> - Building with QEMU in an NBD volume passes all tests.

Clock skew, I guess?

(Occasionally, I started to maintain NBD because the RTC driver for m68k
macs under Linux is crap. You don't want to know the details)

<Lo-lan-do> Home is where you have to wash the dishes.
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