debian-sparc Feb 2000 by thread
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Unidentified subject! Aaron Daniels
scsi probem while installing slink christophe plasschaert
RE:scsi problem while installing slink christophe plasschaert
Booting CD-ROM Installation Nornet Helpline
Booting From a CD-ROM Aaron Daniels
Net Boot problem Ruprecht Jaeschke
[ Re: Booting CD-ROM Installation] baudin maxime
partitioning problems Josiah Dykstra
defunct processes? Aaron Solochek
NFS install problems: how to insert NFS module? Tod Hagan
SOLVED: NFS install problems: how to insert NFS module? Tod Hagan
sparc boot-floopy images are where again? Stephen Zander
Install problems 2.1_r4 CD Peter Myers
UCITA passed in Virginia Mike Hebel
install with potato floppies and slink cdrom. christophe plasschaert
Why no xserver-fb for sparc? Stephen Zander
Problem with X, screen not found christophe plasschaert
Problems with potato boot floppies Kurt Mosiejczuk
Re: upgrade troubles with nis Miquel van Smoorenburg
ldconfig does a segmentation fault baudin maxime
bug already fixed Yann Dirson
SS5/170 hanging with 2.2.14 kernel. Stephen Zander
Kernel compile opts. Ragga Muffin
boot problems on ultra1 Cristian Constantin
[ [sparc32] compilation of dpkg gives bad code] Wichert Akkerman
booting Ultra1 (again...) Cristian Constantin
SPARC build machines active again Ben Collins
PostgreSQL hangs in spinlock in SPARC Oliver Elphick
ccc: undefined reference to: `__builtin_next_arg' David van Leeuwen
New Potato Bootdisks? Kurt Mosiejczuk
utility for mapping oopsen to symbols in SPARC? Stephen Zander
IMPORTANT: [boot-floppies] Path name changes Randolph Chung
Re: SS5/170 hanging with 2.2.14 kernel Romain Dolbeau
Automounter logging Ruprecht Jaeschke
Want some info on what SparcServer1000 is Junichi Uekawa
Browser for sparc/linux... Cristian Constantin
Problem Installing on Sparc5 Aaron Daniels
The last update was on 20:06 GMT Sun Aug 16. There are 136 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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