Re: Why no xserver-fb for sparc?
On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 11:58:57AM -0800, Stephen Zander wrote:
> >>>>> "Ben" == Ben Collins <> writes:
> Ben> The X servers for sparc do use fb. SPARC video is soley done
> Ben> this way. So any of the xserver-sun* packages and the
> Ben> xserver-mach64 package for sparc already do what you want.
> Given that, why do we still bother to have multiple xserver-xsun*
> packages rather than just xserver-fb? Hardware acceleration?
Exactly. fb is not very fast at all. So the servers are specialized to
take advantage of each framebuffer's hardware.
/ Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \
` -- -- '
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