Kernel compile opts.
Hi all,
Can someone shed a light on kernel compile options on a sparc sun_4m ?
I noticed that my kernel (2.2.14) compiles with -no_FPU or such and found
that math_emu.c gets compiled...
However /proc/cpuinfo says:
cpu : Fujitsu MB86904
fpu : Lsi Logic/Meiko L64804 or compatible
promlib : Version 3 Revision 2
prom : 2.10
type : sun4m
ncpus probed : 1
ncpus active : 1
BogoMips : 109.77
MMU type : Fujitsu Swift
invall : 0
invmm : 0
invrnge : 0
invpg : 0
contexts : 256
What's the situation here ?
What means the option CONFIG_SUN4 ?
There's a warning in the help that says:
"(And the current version will probably work only on sun4/330.)"
And third:
How good is the SUNOS_EMULation ?
TIA for any insights,
Give me Debian or pencil and paper
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