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2.1r5 or 2.2r1 ?
Automounter logging
[ Re: Booting CD-ROM Installation]
Booting CD-ROM Installation
Booting From a CD-ROM
Booting linux on sparcstation IPX
booting Ultra1 (again...)
boot problems on ultra1
Browser for sparc/linux...
bug already fixed
ccc: undefined reference to: `__builtin_next_arg'
console-data question
.debs uploaded to frozen/unstable only going into unstable?
defunct processes?
Fresh New potato boot disks from the 2.2.6 boot floppies
HELP: FTP through squid proxy wants to get ENTIRE area under /
IMPORTANT: [boot-floppies] Path name changes
Install problems 2.1_r4 CD
install with potato floppies and slink cdrom.
Kernel compile opts.
ldconfig does a segmentation fault
Net Boot problem
New Potato Bootdisks?
NFS install problems: how to insert NFS module?
OpenSSH troubles
partitioning problems
PostgreSQL hangs in spinlock in SPARC
Problem Installing on Sparc5
Problems with potato boot floppies
problem updating to potato
Problem with X, screen not found
SCSI errors: esp0: SCSI bus reset interrupt
scsi probem while installing slink
RE:scsi problem while installing slink
SOLVED: NFS install problems: how to insert NFS module?
sparc boot-floopy images are where again?
SPARC build machines active again
Re: sparc installation
SS10, audio and modem
Re: SS5/170 hanging with 2.2.14 kernel
SS5/170 hanging with 2.2.14 kernel.
UCITA passed in Virginia
Unidentified subject!
update on 2.1r5 status...
Re: upgrade troubles with nis
utility for mapping oopsen to symbols in SPARC?
Vertical Lines w/ ZX FrameBuffer
[ [sparc32] compilation of dpkg gives bad code]
Want some info on what SparcServer1000 is
Re: Weitek Power uP Processor
Whats the newest version of debian sparc?
Why no xserver-fb for sparc?
xfree setup?
ZX Leo +debian
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