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Re: Browser for sparc/linux...

On Tue, Feb 29, 2000 at 08:44:22PM +0100, Cristian Constantin wrote:
> hello!
> is netscape available for such a configuration? I mean native linux
> binaries...
> or I should emulate some solaris(a.k.a "slowaris") ones?...
> do I have resonable choices instead of netscape?

You can use mozilla. Or you can download the netscape sources from slink,
which contain the sparc-linux bins. Netscape removed this a long time ago
from their ftp (no idea why).

apt-get -b source netscape # assuming you have slink deb-src lines in sources.list

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \
`     bcollins@debian.org  --  bcollins@openldap.org  --  bmc@visi.net     '

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