debian-arm Jul 2009 by thread
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ARM kernel snapshots - 2.6.31-rc2 Martin Michlmayr
/var/log/fsck/* is not in logrotate??? Xan
MTD and UBI support in d-i Per Andersson
support for samsung i900 Fabien R
Debian for ARM, Gemini, Centroid, GIGANAS Ramanjit Singh Lamba
Ported Debian-5.0 Linux (lenny, sid) on freescale imx31 ads board தங்கமணி அருண்
Bug#537586: binutils: breaks function cancellation on armel Aurelien Jarno
Thecus N2100 2.6.30 kernel problem (crash?) Tobias Frost
[debian] d-i: planning and first moves Luca Capello
"untrusted" 2.6.30-1 kernel for SheevaPlug? Rick Thomas
Is it a bug: huge dependency problems of php5 and ikiwiki Xan
UBIFS fails & crashes on SheevaPlug erno
Some help needed to install Lenny on the Intel SS4000-E nas JF Straeten
[ Re: Some help needed to install Lenny on the Intel SS4000-E nas] JF Straeten
No mtdblock devices on QNAP TS-219 Magnus Berg
USB networking problem on Sheevaplug David Given
ts209ii to ts219p hw upgrade w/ present hd config John Holland
[RE: Some help needed to install Lenny on the Intel SS4000-E nas] JF Straeten
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