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Re: [jfstraeten@scarlet.be: Re: Some help needed to install Lenny on the Intel SS4000-E nas]

Hi Kenny,

On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 10:21:11AM +0800, kenny kwok wrote:

> How to corrected the flash-kernel-installer.postinst script by hand,
> could you post the steps ..

Yes, of course ! Sorry for the somewhat late reply.

(But I suggest you read all till the end before trying, because
following this procedure will lead to the point where your nas isn't
anymore bootable...)

So, the steps are :

- In the d-i menu, choose the entry which gives you a shell prompt ;

- go to /var/lib/dpkg/infos/ :
    cd /var/lib/dpkg/infos/

  N.B. please verify the correct paths in practice because I write
  this from memory. I haven't access to the box for now.

- there, edit the flash-kernel-installer.postinst script :

    nano flash-kernel-installer.postinst

    At the lines 136 to 142, you'll see this excerpt :

    	"QNAP TS-109/TS-209" | "QNAP TS-119/TS-219" | "QNAP TS-409")
		in-target update-initramfs -u || true
		if ! apt-install uboot-mkimage; then
			error "apt-install uboot-mkimage failed"
	"Lanner EM7210")
		in-target update-initramfs -u || true

    Modify it in the following way :

    	"QNAP TS-109/TS-209" | "QNAP TS-119/TS-219" | "QNAP TS-409")
		in-target update-initramfs -u || true
		if ! apt-install uboot-mkimage; then
			error "apt-install uboot-mkimage failed"
	"Lanner EM7210")
		in-target update-initramfs -u || true

    (The difference is the double semi-colon « ;; » after the fi, to
    properly close this case item.)

- after that, you should verify the presence of the flash-kernel
  script in /target/usr/sbin/ :

  ls -la /target/usr/sbin/flash-kernel

  If it's not there (and I will probably not), move it back in place
  from /tmp :

  mv /tmp/flash_kernel.?? /target/usr/sbin/

  The « ?? » depends of your system, you should list tmp to know it.

Now, you should be able to proceed with the flash kernel menu item.

If you can't edit yourself the postinst script (it not easy with
nano!), you'll find mine in attach, already modified.

You should :

- uncompress in :

    gunzip flash-kernel-installer.postinst.gz

- copy it on USB storage media ;

    cp flash-kernel-installer.postinst /media/someUsbKeyMounted

- mount your USB storage media on the nas, in the shell you've run
  before, like on any other machine :

    mount -t auto /dev/sd?? /mnt

    N.B. to kown what to subsitute to « ?? », look at the end of
    dmesg, il will tell you how your USB key is detected.

- copy the script to the right directory :

   cp /mnt/flash-kernel-installer.postinst /var/lib/dpkg/info/

- proceed like before with moving flash-kernel in place.

But... but... but... as I tell you, if the flashing will probably
succeed as it was the case here, don't forget that the installed
kernel, at least by me, doesn't boot !

So the nas is unusable till I found a way to flash a new kernel, or at
least till a new image of d-i come, where the problem is corrected.

It's your machine, and you can of course do what your want with it,
but I'm not sure that it's a good idea tho follow the installation in
the actual conditions (?).

Anyway, if I found a means to get the kernel booted, I will post it to
the list.




Mutt 1.5.18 - Debian GNU/Linux
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