debconf-video Jun 2005 by thread
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- Video team status Fabian Fagerholm
- Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces Martin Langhoff
- Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Martin Langhoff
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Herman Robak
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Holger Levsen
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) John Lightsey
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Herman Robak
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Tore S Bekkedal
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Martin Langhoff
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) John Lightsey
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan Herman Robak
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Martin Langhoff
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Martin Langhoff
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Herman Robak
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Martin Langhoff
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) John Lightsey
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Herman Robak
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Martin Langhoff
- Re: Video Capture and Streaming Battle Plan (was:Fluendo, DV capture & other bits and pieces) Martin Langhoff
- Suggested IRC meeting: Channel #debconf-video Thursday June 9th, 1900 UTC. Herman Robak
- Re: team working on the talks Herman Robak
- Video team volunteer update Fabian Fagerholm
- Meeting reminder: Video team meeting at #debconf-video at 19:00 UTC (soon!) Herman Robak
- Log of today's IRC meeting (URL) Herman Robak
- questions and results from the video irc meeting Holger Levsen
- HLUG Video stream collection John Lightsey
- quo vadis, video team ?! Holger Levsen
- Hardware status (URL) Herman Robak
- Update on volunteers Fabian Fagerholm
The last update was on 06:52 GMT Fri Jun 07. There are 63 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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