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Re: quo vadis, video team ?!

Hi Martin, hi all,

On Sunday 26 June 2005 10:25, Martin Langhoff wrote:
> I don't think I'll be able to join. A brief update on things at my end:

to join that IRC meeting /me hopes and wants to clarify ;)

> I am still working on the Flumotion track, it's going well --- I will
> soon be preparing some theora-mmx packages. 

buildable from sarge sources ? (as we might need them on amd64 as well..)

> I tried to get flumotion 
> running ok on Sarge or on Sid, but it's been an enomous timesink.
> Flumotion needs a toolchain based on Python 2.4 and our freeze caught
> us with a good 2.3 toochain.

ah. So no flumotion or hoary ? Or backports for sarge. I don't wanna use 
neither etch nor sid nor breezy :-)

> My early testing had been on Ubuntu-Hoary and I was hopign to backport
> a few things, but it's too big a job for this non-python guy. (Happy
> to port Perl sh*t around, but I just don't know enough python). My
> conclusion has been that the flumotion infrastructure should be
> Ubuntu, and that's ok with me.

What's the flumotion infrastructure ? Which machines in the row/chain ?

> As soon as the Python toolchain moves forward on Sid/Etch, flumotion
> will fall into place. But we have big fish to fry *now*.

Yep. 10 days left ;-)

> We need x86 CPUs around 2GHz for flumotion video capture and encoding.

Please have a look at the machine list at the bottom of 
http://layer-acht.org/fai/fai-at-debconf5/ and tell me what's missing 
(especially if machines are missing / not dedicated to us) and which infos I 
need to add.

> With a properly tuned kernel, 2GHz works pretty well for capture too
> (kino/dvgrab). I have good kernel config files we can use with 2.6.12
> kernels. 

Arg, next problem^Wissue :-) The config is not enough, we need .deb 
packages :-) Can you build them (until july 1st) or can you give us your 
configs ?

Is 2.6.12 without issues on sarge ? (think udev, devfs, whatever...)

> The fluendo guys have offered to help me add a flumotion 
> module to store the hi quality DV stream on the capture box as we are
> streaming -- we shouldn't need to run Kino and Flumotion at the same
> time (and I don't think both together will be happy on mid-spec
> laptop).
> Now, I've seen the network notes mentioning that we won't have
> reachable IP addresses from the outside. That's just fine -- if we
> want to stream the videos anyway, we can always push them out to a
> publicly reachable host. Flumotion components just pipe into one
> another and do "netcat" style pipes across the network transparently.

We'll definitly need to update/create an overview of our setup.

And please remember: our first and most important goal is not live streaming. 
It's a nice option.

We also need some video editing solution/tools to be able to cut/mix the (pdf) 
slides into the stream^Wrecording - I dont think html-slides are good for 
this, what do you think ?

> I'll have a cheap Sony camera with me, as well as a FW/USB 60GB
> drive-- but we shouldn't need to use the drives sneakernet style. The
> laptops have network, right?



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