debian-user Jan 2006 by thread
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Re: Re: Not automounting a USB Cardreader?? belahcene abdelkader
kprinter: error after upgrade Philipp Pagel
Re: Mouse jumping all over the place Javier Romero
sareg 2.6 doesn't recognize the CD!!?? belahcene abdelkader
proftpd - Disable PAM... Mat
UML skas patches for "linux" kernel packages Nic Ferrier
Strange behaviour with gigabit ethernet Andrew Ingram
Re: preset Chang Archie
Upgrading to Apache 1.3.34 Siju George
hdparm and nforce2 jaroug
UMTS modem or router? Michelle Konzack
loaded module waste Felix Miata
Problem installing Debian on P5WD2 Asus motherboard Jonis Maurin Ceará
Installing Sarge3.1 r1a on latest SATA ICH8 chipset Lorenzo Dominguez
Xorg not working with Matrox G550?? MGAGetBOARDHANDLESize Bill Moseley
strange disk access BTP
gmail as smarthost in exim David Berg
Azureus and the TCP port 6881 Marcelo Chiapparini
unsubscribe Anahuac
OpenAFS, Kerberos setup for Debian Sarge Michael Madden
nForce AC97 equalizer Chris Howie
HELP!!!mozilla can't display Chinese Serena Cantor
Apt Gone Mad?-Or Is It Me?-Expert Help Needed Debian User Leonard Chatagnier
ps2pdf fails with enigmatic (meaning "useless") error Carl Fink
Re: eBook.pdf Gene Heskett
Debian Sarge, apache-perl, libhtml-mason-perl-examples, Apache::Cookie needs to be loaded David Christensen
testing: pseudographics spoiled in elinks with Unicode cyrillic fonts qvvx
Unsure about security requirements for workstation/server Yasir Assam
wrong RE: Not a Debian question, but you guys know this stuff... Alvin Oga
Returned mail: unreachable recipients: / esafe_externo
different resolution on notebook LCD and VGA Lubos Vrbka
Re: vsftpd Extended Passive Mode problem Edwin Boonenburg
empty /boot directory Eddy Haaksma
Kernel Source Bob
pas d'acceleration graphique debian user
webcollab, php5.0 and ctype Nico De Ranter
perl modules Tie::CPHash linux china
Apache2/ linux china
bash scripts: how to determine directory of 'source'd file michael
dependency hell dist-upgrade the "right way" Rodney Richison
Bug in en_US locale Bill Moseley
cvs problem: default user ignored Markus . Grunwald
mondo 1.67 Hugo Vanwoerkom
Users home directory wiped after dist-uprgade Wackojacko
harware question - cd-rom error message Peter Horst
2 applications attached to one serial port. Rubén Navarro Huedo
/var becomes read-only every day Hans Ekbrand
VMPlayer installation problems Marc Shapiro
mozilla-browser -> seamonkey Rick Pasotto
Grub install question? Ishwar Rattan
reiser4 vs reiserfs hendrik
Mutt: how to mark multiple spams? Lance Simmons
Mozilla Suite and Seamonkey [KS]
debian etch & sylpheed-claws-gtk not working Rodney D. Myers
dctc/rccp -> direct connect documentation on debian? Jean-Rene David
upgrade screwed up my network. Sean J. Fraley
k3b is not able to detect dvd+rw-tools package kamaraju kusumanchi
Can I fix this with apt-get??? Rob Blomquist
The last update was on 06:54 GMT Fri Jun 21. There are 3664 messages. Page 8 of 8.
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