debian-l10n-dutch May 2016 by thread
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pluxml 5.5-1: Please update debconf PO translation for the package pluxml Tanguy Ortolo
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[BTS#823974] po://apt-listchanges Frans Spiesschaert
[BTS#823975] po://unattended-upgrades Frans Spiesschaert
[BTS#823976] po://apt Frans Spiesschaert
debian-security-support 2016.05.11: Please update debconf PO translation for the package debian-security-support Santiago R.R.
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[no subject] Sven & Rilana 4 Ever in Love!!! Pijl
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] wml:// Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/debian-edu-jessie/ Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] po://debian-edu-doc/documentation/debian-edu-stretch/ Frans Spiesschaert
EC-Lotto Service From: "Gewinnauszahlung"<> Content-Type: text/plain Liebe(r) Preis-Gewinner/in, ttlhealt
CVS webwml/dutch/CD CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/CD/http-ftp CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/CD/jigdo-cd CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/CD/vendors CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/CD/netinst CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/distrib CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/doc CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/intro CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/devel/debian-installer CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/mirror CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/logos CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/releases CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/ports CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/releases/wheezy CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/ports/i386 CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/security CVS User elbrus
CVS webwml/dutch/releases/squeeze CVS User elbrus
Ich benötige Hilfe da mein Mann verstorben ist und ich Debian nicht kenne luzifer
CVS webwml/dutch/releases/jessie CVS User pabs
adduser 3.115: Please update the PO translation for the package adduser Helge Kreutzmann
[RFR] po-debconf://fuel-web Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] po-debconf://zfs-linux Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] po-debconf://postgresql-common Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] po-debconf://debian-security-support Frans Spiesschaert
[RFR] po-debconf://courier Frans Spiesschaert
The last update was on 16:58 GMT Wed Jun 05. There are 80 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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