debian-java Aug 2003 by thread
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kaffe-1.1.1 package available for tests Arnaud Vandyck
connecting tomcat4 to apache1 in debian/sid Michael R Head
kaffe-1.1.1-0.2 available Arnaud Vandyck
trying to make a new .deb Paolo Ariano
Should libxalan-java be removed? Arnaud Vandyck
status of libxt-java Arnaud Vandyck
update-alternatives problem for java? Hein Meling
[ANN] The Java Republic - Chronicle of The Free Java Now Campaign Goes Live Gerald Bauer
What is Maven? Arnaud Vandyck
KDE bindings? Egon Willighagen
Experience in converting to GCJ David Goodenough
Java database application development Mirko Scurk
Java Environment Setup Jerry Haltom
still trying to pack a .deb Paolo Ariano
(O.T.) Dreamweaver o aplicacion similar ingelhornsistemas_linux
Re: (O.T.) Interface Grafica pabloingelhorn
eclipse on woody Dave Howorth
CDBS class for Ant, was Re: [PROPOSAL] dh_ant Stefan Gybas
Script to compare the contents of two JARs Stefan Gybas
Policy: java1-runtime Daniel Bonniot
Re: JAXP in debian Jan Schulz
Re: Jboss, Apache2 and mod_jk2 Andrew McGhee
unsuscribe Rafael Domínguez
Intend to NMU Kaffe 1.1 Stefan Gybas
Fw: Debian-java! EX0TlC Iatina girIs in C!R/\-Z-Y ACTl0N! C 9 6toz vBf tukamuc
[kaffe] Problem with the unofficial package of Arnaud Vandyck. Pierre Machard
Fw: Debian-java! EX0TlC Iatina girIs in C!R/\-Z-Y ACTl0N! l O 5zUb 4Ol gopugo
[PROPOSAL] New Virtual Packages and way to handle Classpath Jan Schulz
java and debian tomcat crash Fabian Lienert
Java RC Bug Report Mark Howard
Fw: Debian-java copy any DVD to a standart CD at home hJgPgEU jikygam
tomcat java memory consumption Fabian Lienert
subscribe Manuel Garcia Sancho
Kaffe-1.1.1 + DBS Ean Schuessler
unsubscribe Manuel Garcia Sancho
Re[0]: vusufot
Re [1]: myhugog
Sun Java 1.4.2 packaged with mpkg-j2sdk prevents mozilla/galeon from starting Hein Meling
Norton AntiVirus failed to scan an attachment in a message you sent. NAVMSE-MAILSRV1
[no subject] Manuel Garcia Sancho
[VAC] until september 9 Arnaud Vandyck
Sponsor for the Nice compiler (Java extension) Daniel Bonniot
http_proxy environment variable Mark Howard
The last update was on 14:35 GMT Sun May 05. There are 229 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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