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Re: Jboss, Apache2 and mod_jk2

We have been working for a while with J2SDK1.4.2 + 
JBoss + Jetty/Tomcat + Apache 2.0.x, and we seem to 
keep coming up across the same problem regarding the re-
compiling of mod_jk2 for work with these systems (to 
bind apache + tomcat/jetty for request).

Not sure if this will be helpful, but thought it might 
be handy as a reference for others who have come across 
the same problem

mod_jk2 + apache + tomcat for debian compile / install 
1. Uncomment test apt-get sources 
in /etc/apt/sources.list
2. apt-get update
3. apt-get install apache2-dev (apache2-common and 
should already be installed)
4. Extract the source for the mod_jk2 source 
(downloaded from
jakarta.apache.org at:
arta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src.tar.gz>) in /usr/src
5. cd /usr/src
6. tar -xvzf jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-
src.tar.gz (extract the source
7. cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-4.1.24-src/jk/native2
8. chmod u+x buildconf.sh
9. ./buildconf.sh
10. ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/bin/apxs2
Now - as the makefile is hobbled
11. cd server/apache2
12. make -f Makefile.apxs
This creates / makes the mod_jk2.so in the .lib folder 
in this level
cp .lib/mod_jk2.so /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk2.so
14. Modify /etc/apache2/apache2.conf to load the 
mod_jk2.so module -
jk2_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_jk2.so"

Andrew Mc.Ghee
Level 3
15 Agate Rd
Hammersmith, London W60AJ
MB: 07880637195
Email: Andrew.McGhee@GeniusHealth.com
Web: http://www.GeniusHealth.com/ 

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