debian-events-eu Jan 2005 by thread
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- Re: (25th/26th of January 2005): Organisational Things Joost van Baal
- Debian "eyecatcher" Project Alexander Schmehl
- Last call for Solutions Linux 2005 Paris Julien BLACHE
- HELP: Anybody able to held my Debian-Med talk in WOlfsburg at 3. February? Andreas Tille
- Re: FOSDEM booth Frank Lichtenheld
- Shipment Notification, Tracking Number : LVL07826178123036UARF Wilda Z. Hilton, V
- FOSDEM: free sleeping and (wired) Internet in Leuven during fosdem 2005 Martin Michlmayr
- Promotionmaterial Sven Woinke
- Speaker needed for LinuxPro in Prague Martin Michlmayr - Debian Project Leader
- channel PARTY in germany Alexander Schmehl
- FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Wouter Verhelst
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Steve McIntyre
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Wouter Verhelst
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Alexander Schmehl
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Wouter Verhelst
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Alexander Schmehl
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Steve McIntyre
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Wouter Verhelst
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Steve McIntyre
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Martin Michlmayr
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Martin Michlmayr
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Alexander Schmehl
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Alexander Schmehl
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Steve McIntyre
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Noèl Köthe
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Michael Banck
- Re: FOSDEM talk schedule, and some more things. Bill Allombert
- booth staff Chemnitzerer Linuxtag Alexander Schmehl
- Re: vollgespritzte Fotzen Udo Hütter
- Re: Seitensprung Kontakte - so einfach ist das! Winfried Saberniak
- CeBiT 2005 Booth participants? Helge Kreutzmann
- CfP: LinuxPark CeBIT 2005 Alexander Schmehl
- CfH: Chemnitzer LinuxTag Alexander Schmehl
The last update was on 07:31 GMT Thu May 14. There are 91 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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