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Re: Promotionmaterial

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 03:18:55 +0100, Sven Woinke <woinke@it-woinke.net> wrote:


>>>At the 5. and 6. March of this year theres a tradeshow in our at our town.
>>Which town?
> Blomberg, it is near Bielefeld or Cologne. (2h with a car)

Hm, 'kay :)

>>>We are now looking for some support from the projekt groups, we would
>>>like to recive some Posters, Flyer , etc. to dress up our booth.
>>Just flyers and other material? No debian people to manage it all?
> Hm, you should know its not the cbit, it´s a very small thing in a
> town with about 20000 people living there.
> The tradeshow is  small as the town, there are some big companies too,
> but mostly firms with up to 20 Workers.
> I try to do some - call it lobby work - ,  to show these conservative
> people here another way.
> Telling them that a system is good, even you don´t have to pay for it,
> is hard/impossible.
> Debian people to manage a  booth in this provincial backwater would be
> an event for me and a hand full of geeks, but most of the people here
> have never heard about other systems.
> It´s just a try, if there is a market.
> So my idea was to show some flyers etc. to prove Linux is there and its
> real.
> I hope you understand my point, thats the little piece i could share.

Sure, although I don't have any material under the hand. If there are
some stocks left after the LinuxDays.lu I shall sent you those, if the
people I got the material from have no problem with that procedure.

Bob Hentges a.k.a. maradong
Jabber: maradong at jabber.org

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