debian-edu Apr 2012 by thread
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- Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual Holger Levsen
- Git is fun, Git is pretty, Git is useful, so why not using it? David Prévot
- Re: Git is fun, Git is pretty, Git is useful, so why not using it? Holger Levsen
- Re: Git is fun, Git is pretty, Git is useful, so why not using it? Mike Gabriel
- Re: Git is fun, Git is pretty, Git is useful, so why not using it? Petter Reinholdtsen
- Re: Git is fun, Git is pretty, Git is useful, so why not using it? Ralf Gesellensetter
- Re: Guest session? Petter Reinholdtsen
- Re: Squeeze with upgraded kernel and firmware Giorgio Pioda
- Bug#667589: education-mathematics: Adjust for the new octave package version 3.6.1 Rafael Laboissiere
- Printer problem Alessandro Fama
- Re: [slx-www-int] Our webpage status and a call for participation in moving content Olivier Vitrat
- re: kde icons slow on nfs shawn
- Debian Local Area Network' (Debian-LAN) Andreas B. Mundt
- Re: and download locations Steven Chamberlain
- update lenny --> squeeze Martin Schulte
- Fwd: [siteadmin-Support Requests][313597] Debian Edu project has lost its associated mailing lists Mike Gabriel
- Processed: limit source to debian-edu-doc, tagging 668170 Debian Bug Tracking System
- Processing of debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120410~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes Debian FTP Masters
- debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120410~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
- debian-edu-doc_1.4~20120410~6.0.4+r0_amd64.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
- debian-edu-config_1.454~svn77318_i386.changes ACCEPTED Skolelinux archive Installer
- What is holding up Squeeze r1? Petter Reinholdtsen
- libreoffice 3.5.2 Alf Tonny Bätz
- ldap: export account data (csv) from command line. RalfGesellensetter
- Info Certificación Oracle. Johny Jimenez
- How many are on #debian-edu ( Petter Reinholdtsen
- Bug#669762: debian-edu-config: transition towards Apache 2.4 arno
- Bug#669782: sitesummary: transition towards Apache 2.4 arno
- Re: [debian-edu-git] test.git - master (branch) updated: 48487954a8a8ecbecc6f40ee43ddc3768ebb9c9a Holger Levsen
- DRAFT: slbackup debdiff for s-p-u Mike Gabriel
- CUPS Upgrade 1.4 to 1.5 Alessandro Fama
- no home-directory on diskless workstations Georg Damm
- today's mail flood on Mike Gabriel
- Change base domain in ldap George
- slbackup with smarty3 (addressing #646537) Mike Gabriel
- Research/Questions on GOsa² issue: ,,unescaped arguments used on a command line'' Mike Gabriel
- Cant use cups web admin. Proxie denies connection George
- Processing of sitesummary_0.1.4_i386.changes Debian FTP Masters
- sitesummary_0.1.4_i386.changes ACCEPTED into unstable Debian FTP Masters
The last update was on 08:36 GMT Sun May 05. There are 98 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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