Content and translation status for the debian-edu-squeeze manual
The (translated) debian-edu-squeeze manual as PDF or HTML is available at
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This mail is automatically send by a cronjob run by Holger Levsen every two weeks. Please send feedback, suggestions, flames and cookies via this list.
debian-edu-squeeze-manual.da.po: 1345 translated messages. 1345 translated messages. 329 translated messages, 445 fuzzy translations, 571 untranslated messages. 1345 translated messages. 1345 translated messages.
debian-edu-squeeze-manual.nb.po: 388 translated messages, 559 fuzzy translations, 398 untranslated messages.
debian-edu-squeeze-manual.zh.po: 22 translated messages, 194 fuzzy translations, 1129 untranslated messages.
FIXME Check these numbers for Squeeze. They are 2012-01-22 for Lenny.
FIXME: would it be better to explain user groups in Windows first with GOsa², and then with an example for the command line?
FIXME explain how to use profiles from global policies for Windows machines in the skolelinux network
FIXME: describe roaming profile key for the global policy editor here
FIXME: ... from here it needs someone with an English-language install of MS Windows XP to provide the necessary steps ... same as for "Joining the SKOLELINUX Domain with Windows Vista/7" below
6 FIXMEs left to fix
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