debian-dpkg Jan 2006 by thread
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<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Re: Create a project on Alioth and choose a RCS? Nathanael Nerode
Re: Dpkg Christian Perrier
(no subject) Meltoncanton
Check it out Emma H. Hemphill
Adding attributes to the control file / access to the status file Matthias Klose
making more packages bin-NMU safe Ken Bloom
The way to the next dpkg release Frank Lichtenheld
[debian-dpkg-cvs] COMMAND DISCARD 11375781614946 Mailing List Manager
[debian-dpkg-cvs] COMMAND DISCARD 11375838309974 Mailing List Manager
Bug#348684: debian-dpkg-cvs should not be moderated anymore Frank Lichtenheld
SVN snapshot of last night doesn't build Christian Perrier
Dpkg Testsuite (again and again and...) Esteban Manchado Velázquez
Re: dpkg accelerators Christian Perrier
Check for avoiding invalidating old dependencies on upgrades Kari Pahula
Uh, translators won't be happy.... Christian Perrier
Sending commit messages somewhere? Christian Perrier
Remaining issues before upload Frank Lichtenheld
Fixed in upload of dpkg 1.13.12 to experimental Frank Lichtenheld
Accepted dpkg 1.13.12 (source i386 all) Frank Lichtenheld
Please test new dpkg in experimental Frank Lichtenheld
[debian-dpkg-cvs] COMMAND DISCARD 11381148277586 Mailing List Manager
dpkg_1.13.12_sparc.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.12_arm.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.12_powerpc.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Plan for uploading to unstable Frank Lichtenheld
Accepted dpkg 1.13.13 (source all powerpc) Frank Lichtenheld
dpkg_1.13.13_hurd-i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_sparc.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Re: Proposal: dpkg-perllibdeps Frank Lichtenheld
dpkg_1.13.13_arm.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_alpha.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_mips.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_mipsel.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_m68k.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_hppa.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_ia64.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
dpkg_1.13.13_s390.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Re: Re: Re: Why Michele Severini
dpkg_1.13.13_i386.changes ACCEPTED Debian Installer
Plans for next upload(s) Frank Lichtenheld
pylibs and pydeps: shlibs-like support for Python extensions Joe Wreschnig
The last update was on 12:27 GMT Mon Jan 01. There are 117 messages. Page 1 of 1.
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