debian-cd Sep 2008 by subject
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Bug#285888: Here is your verification link
Bug#491300: desktop selection doesn't install desktop
Bug#497270: debian-cd: includes embedded copies of bootloaders
Bug#497270: Reviewing data in the debian-cd packages
Bug#497462: cdimage.d.o distributes images without source
Bug#497462: marked as done (cdimage.d.o distributes images without source)
Bug#497471: sarge images have syslinux binaries without source
Bug#497966: debian-cd: Please recommend syslinux-common instead of syslinux
Building CD Image
Re: Choosing a configuration format for debimg
Debian Installer Beta2 on outdated Testing snapshots
Re: debimg 0.0.4 released
Engedely keres
Re: excess secondary CD/DVD image downloading
InetBoot for x86&x86_64 liveCD (Debian-Lenny-Beta1/Feora/Ubuntu/KNOPPIX/VMKnoppix)" is released.
Septiembre, Tendencias de Moda Otoño-Invierno del 2008
Re: Jigdo and BitTorrent (was Secondary CD/DVD Image Downloading)
kredit tanpa agunan 5 hr saja..
no Weekly build for multi-arch?
Permalink to install cds
A problem with the list of MD5
Processed: Re: Bug#497270: debian-cd: includes embedded copies of bootloaders
Reviewing data in the debian-cd packages
Re: Secondary CD/DVD Image Downloading
Smart Boot Manager binary in debian-cd
Software a su alcance
tasksel: alsa should be made a key package again
[Tested] DVD downloads as Torrent or ISO direct
Ugly server
Debian für Aopen 965Pro
What is suitable Debian Linux OS version for my PC
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