debian-68k Aug 2002 by thread
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- Re: (object (*)()) vs (long (*)()) Andreas Schwab
- The 2.4.14 kernel Ross Vumbaca
- Debian on Amiga: Installationproblem Michael Hugger
- setserial upgrade error in testing John Schmidt
- Re: [Gcl-devel] Re: (object (*)()) vs (long (*)()) Camm Maguire
- 电脑配件供应 debian-68k webmaster
- Segmentation Fault ama
- No subject ama
- kernel-patch-2.4.14-m68k (woody) Ross Vumbaca
- Debian on Amiga : Thank you all Michael Hugger
- X Resolution on mac mriscott
- A1200 install problem borg.thecollective
- Installing Debian 3.0 on an ATARI TT030 (m68k Thomas Scherk
- Mounting my CD-ROM, while installing Woody on my ATARI TT030 Thomas Scherk
- How can I create a /dev/sr0 for my CD-ROM Thomas Scherk
- How can I create a boot-Floppy for the ATARI TT030, when the installation-menu doesn´t do? Thomas Scherk
- [OT] Daystar update for quadra 800 with debian? MaX
- Install for quadra 660av Scott Edwards
- Re: Install for quadra 660av - part2 in a series ;) mriscott
- How can I boot Woody m68k for the ATARI TT030 after installation? Thomas Scherk
- Re: AW: AW: How can I create a boot-Floppy for the ATARI TT030, when the installation-menu doesn?t do? Ross Vumbaca
- Did anybody of you manage to install Woody on a ATARI TT030 ? Thomas Scherk
- info req. 30 pin simm for mac IIci MaX
- 全国饮品企业环境质量管理审核认证 trkj
- Re: xfree86 4.2.0-0pre1v2 (source,i386) available at the X Strike Force ISHIKAWA Mutsumi
- Re: Amiga Locking up on install. Christian Groessler
- Trouble booting an MVME147 with Linux Kars de Jong
- [ Bug#152978 acknowledged by developer (Re: Bug#152978: procps: Also on arm)] Ingo Juergensmann
- Penguin-19, The moment of Truth Mark St. John
- Automatic reply (Fw:torvalds,honey) automated reply
- clock problems R.A.
- mac XFree86, strange colour behaviour Janne Peltonen
- Potato 2.2r7 on ATARI TT030 Thomas Scherk
- Little bug in m68k installer for Woody Dirk Heinrichs
- Immediate crash on Amiga Steve Hargreaves
- Re: xfree86 4.2.0-0pre1v3 (source,i386) available at the X Strike Force ISHIKAWA Mutsumi
- 4 Serial ports on the Atari TT030/problem, configuring slip Thomas Scherk
- java support R.A.
- XFree86 4.2.0-0pre1v3 build failure on m68k Branden Robinson
- Plip in potato 2.2r7, ATARI TT030 Thomas Scherk
- Endlich habe ich Dich gefunden !!! Isabel
- a small C program to test xdm's /dev/mem reading on your architecture Branden Robinson
- *****SPAM***** 增值业务的机会。 ydhwh2000
- FW: a small C program to test xdm's /dev/mem reading on your arch itecture TEETER,VINCE (HP-USA,ex1)
- Welcome to thanks for stopping By! Visit Earth's Largest Garden today!
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