debian-l10n-french Mar 2010 by thread
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- Re: [RFR] po-debconf://request-tracker3.8/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [RFR2] po-debconf://iog/fr.po 4u Julien Patriarca
- [DONE] wml://devel/debian-med/index.wml Charles Plessy
- [ITT] po://deb-gview/fr.po Guillaume Delacour
- Re: [LCFC] wml://devel/debian-med/index.wml Guillaume Delacour
- [DONE] wml://devel/join/index.wml Guillaume Delacour
- [DONE]: wml://devel/tech-ctte.wml Guillaume Delacour
- [DONE]: wml://partners/index.wml Guillaume Delacour
- [RFR4] po://xsane/fr.po Stéphane Blondon
- Inclusion dans Debian-Lex - Logiciels juridiques Vincent Veyron
- Choix de font. Xavier Oswald
- [LCFC] po://multistrap/fr.po Bruno Travouillon
- drivel 3.0.1-1: Please update the PO translation for the package drivel Neil Williams
- [ITT] po://debconf/fr.po Florentin Duneau
- [RFR] po-debconf://webfs/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- webfs 1.21+ds1-3: Please update debconf PO translation for the package webfs Christian Perrier
- request-tracker3.8 3.8.7-2~test.4: Please update debconf PO translation for the package request-tracker3.8 Dominic Hargreaves
- Re: [RFR] po-debconf://mailgraph/fr.po Simon Paillard
- smbind 0.4.7-3: Please update debconf PO translation for the package smbind Giuseppe Iuculano
- [TAF] po-debconf://virtuoso-opensource/fr.po 32u Christian PERRIER
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (14 Mar 2010) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
- Traduction du manuel de xorg.conf Cluxter
- [DONE] po://dpkg/man/po/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://intl/french/dwn_trans.wml Christian PERRIER
- [MAJ] man://bash/bash.po 145f62u Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po4a://debhelper/fr.po 62f29u Christian PERRIER
- Re: [ITT] man://findutils/fr.po 729t10f9u Christian PERRIER
- Re: [ITT] po://monotone/po/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] man://procps/ps/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- Re: [ITT] po4a://svn-buildpackage/fr.po 391u Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://vote/2007/platforms/wouter Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://vote/2007/{suppl_004_stats.wml,suppl_004_stats_detailed.wml,vo te_004.wml,vote_004_index.src,vote_004_majority.src,vote_004_quorum. src,vote_004_results.src} Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://apt/doc/po/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://apt/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://aptitude/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://books/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://console-setup/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://debian-installer/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://dpkg/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://dpkg/scripts/po/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] d-i-manuel://fr/boot-installer/{accessibility,arm}.xml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] d-i-manuel://fr/hardware/accessibility.xml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] d-i-manuel://fr/hardware/supported/arm.xml Christian PERRIER
- [BTS#574463] po://screentest/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://vote/2007/{suppl_004_stats.wml,suppl_004_stats_detailed.wml,vote_004.wml,vote_004_index.src,vote_004_majority.src,vote_004_quorum.src,vote_004_results.src} Christian PERRIER
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (18 Mar 2010) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
- Traduction du manuel xorg.conf Cluxter
- [DONE] man://cron/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://debian-refcard/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] ddp://debian-reference/fr.po 148t1018f7546u Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] d-i-manuel://fr/install-methods/download/arm.xml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] d-i-manuel://fr/using-d-i/loading-firmware.xml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] d-i-manuel://fr/using-d-i/modules/localechooser.xml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] d-i-manuel://fr/using-d-i/modules/mdcfg.xml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://goto-fai-progress/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://kde4libs/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] ddtp://libsepol1/libsepol1.ddtp Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr/{man1,man2a-m,man2n-z,man3a-f,man3g-m,man3n-s,man3t-z,man4,man5,man6,man8}/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [RFR] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/glibc/localedef.1.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/glibc/validlocale.8.po 27t Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/grep/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/sysvinit/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] webwml://mirror/ftpmirror.wml [maj] Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] man://nfs-utils/sm-notify.8 Christian PERRIER
- [BTS#575135] po://geg/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [BTS#575140] po-debconf://openswan/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] ikiwiki://po/underlays/basewiki/ Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] ikiwiki://po/underlays/directives/ikiwiki/directive/ Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://roundcube/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://samba/source3/locale/pam_winbind/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://screentest/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [BTS#575152] po-debconf://redmine/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://harden/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://News/2009/20090210.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://{apt,cdebconf,debian-history,installation-guide,lintian,pointerize,ttf-cjk-compact}/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://security/2008/dsa-165{1-4}.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://dpkg/man/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://security/2008/dsa-16{[34-44]\38}.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://releases/squeeze/{installmanual,releasenotes}.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://releases/etch/debian-installer/etchnhalf.wml [maj] Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://News/weekly/2009/01/index.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po4a://debianutils/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] webwml://packages/po/ Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] webwml://packages/po/ Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://nbd/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://users/com/{carol,digitallinx,sinaf,tehranraymand,tomasil}.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po://virtaal/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://security/2009/dsa-{1716,1717,1718,1719,1720,1721,1722,1723,1724}.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://{cdebconf,debian-installer-utils}/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] ddp://manuals.sgml/securing-howto/fr/before-begin.sgml Christian PERRIER
- [DOC] wml://security/2008/dsa-1633.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://vote/2008/{suppl_00{2,3}_stats_detailed,suppl_00{2,3}_stats}.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://devel/debian-installer/News/2009/20090131.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://webwml/french/volatile/index.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po4a://squashfs-tools/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://events/2008/{0810-debconf,0816-debianday-pt,0823-froscon,0823-froscon-report,0913-debconf-italy,1009-linuxkongress,1021-systems,1025-t-dose,1115-litol}.wml Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://devel/debian-installer/errata.wml [maj] Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf://grub2/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- Re: [LCFC] po://debhelper/man/po4a/po/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://releases/lenny/debian-installer/index.wml Christian PERRIER
- Debian WWW CVS commit by tolimar: webwml bulgarian/News/weekly/oldurl.wml catala ... Pierre Machard
- [DONE] po4a://manpages-fr-extra/glibc/localedef.1.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] po-debconf ://roundcube/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] wml://security/2008/dsa-1633.wml Christian PERRIER
- Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml english/devel/join/nm-step2.wml french/ ... Pierre Machard
- Re: [ITT] wml://News/2010/20100130.wml Christian PERRIER
- [BTS#575710] po://emdebian-grip/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- Il est propre le robot! Christian PERRIER
- [DONE] webwml://mirror/ftpmirror.wml Stéphane Blondon
- [BTS#575703] po://xfce4-xkb-plugin/fr.po Christian PERRIER
- Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml/french/devel/debian-installer builds.wml Pierre Machard
- Debian WWW CVS commit by spaillard: webwml french/devel/debian-installer/builds.wm ... Pierre Machard
- Re: [DONE] webwml://mirror/ftpmirror.wml [maj] Nicolas François
- [DONE] webwml://mirror/ftpmirror.wml [maj] Nicolas François
- [DONE] po-debconf ://roundcube/fr.po Nicolas François
- [D-I Manual] Build log for fr (28 Mar 2010) Felipe Augusto van de Wiel
- [MAJ] po://emdebian-grip/fr.po 31f143u Christian PERRIER
- [TAF] po-debconf://sandboxgamemaker/fr.po 4u Christian PERRIER
- Re: Integrating reviews and translations in the Debian Project News Simon Paillard
- [DONE] po://bzflag/fr.po Christian PERRIER
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