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RE: [jitsi-dev] putting bouncycastle 1.49 into backports? Re: [mass bug] New license problem/sourceless fil/privacy problems detected by lintian Re: Fwd: Re: [ #4815] CVE-2013-4152 XML External Entity (XXE) injection in Spring Bug#732282: stop building java for sparc, sparc64, s390, kfreebsd-any Re: Bug#733996: Generate a ‘closure-compiler’ binary package for the compiler program Bug#733996: Generate a ‘closure-compiler’ binary package for the compiler program Bug#735096: eclipse: Eclipse kfreebsd-amd64 can't create projects Re: Bug#736123: ITP: sbbi-upnplib -- Java library for universal plug and play (upnp) Bug#736850: ITP: lightcouch -- CouchDB Java API Re: Bug#736855: simple-xml: New version available Bug#737094: ITP: jsch-agent-proxy -- Proxy to ssh-agent and Pageant in Java carrotsearch-hppc package available carrotsearch-randomizedtesting package available -- Randomized testing infrastructure for Junit compress-lzf package available css2xslfo Debian RT: libspring-java: CVE-2013-6429 CVE-2013-6430 For those who care about ElasticSearch: build dependencies, RFH How to package maven-based packages without network access? icu4j49 package available lucene4 package available morfologik-stemming package available morfologik-stemming: new upstream version netty3.9 package available Re: Packaging openhab, a maven application... pkg-java membership putting bouncycastle 1.49 into backports? RFP: carrotsearch-hppc -- RFP: carrotsearch-randomizedtesting -- Randomized testing infrastructure for Junit RFP: compress-lzf -- basic LZF codec, compatible with standard C LZF package RFP: hyperic-sigar -- System Information Gatherer And Reporter RFP: icu4j-49 -- a library for Unicode support and internationalization RFP: lucene4 -- Full-text search engine library for Java RFP: netty-3.9 -- Java NIO client/server socket framework RFP: spatial4j -- a general purpose spatial/geospatial Java library RFS: c3p0 [RC] #725456 Re: RFS: c3p0 [RC] #725456 - [UPLOADED] RFS: disruptor/3.2.0-1 (NEW) RFS: eclipse 3.8.1-5 (RC bugfix) RFS: jsch-agent-proxy/0.0.7-1 (NEW) Re: RFS: jsch-agent-proxy/0.0.7-1 (NEW) - [UPLOADED] RFS: libcodemodel-java (update), scannotation, stax-ex, jaxb-api, xsom, xmlstreambuffer RFS: libjackson-json-java 1.9.2-3 [RC] Re: RFS: libjackson-json-java 1.9.2-3 [RC] - [UPLOADED] Re: RFS: libjdom2-java/2.0.5-1 RFS: libspring-java 3.0.6.RELEASE-11 [RC] RFS: lightcouch/0.0.6-1 (NEW) Re: RFS: lightcouch/0.0.6-1 (NEW) - [UPLOADED] RFS: maven-ant-helper/7.10 Re: RFS: maven-ant-helper/7.10 - [UPLOADED] RFS: maven-scm/1.3-5 Re: RFS: maven-scm/1.3-5 - [UPLOADED] Re: RFS: modello/1.1-3 and modello1.4/1.4.1-2 Re: RFS: modello/1.1-3 and modello1.4/1.4.1-2 - [UPLOADED] + a question Re: RFS: modello/1.1-3 and modello1.4/1.4.1-2 [ITS] RFS: mongo-java-driver/2.11.3-1 (NEW) Re: RFS: mongo-java-driver/2.11.3-1 (NEW) - [ITS] RFS: plexus-compiler/1.9.2-2 Re: RFS: plexus-compiler/1.9.2-2 - [UPLOADED] RFS: sisu-guice/3.1.1-2 simple-xml package available via git simple-xml: New version available The last update was on 12:39 GMT Sun Jun 02. There are 117 messages. Page 1 of 1.

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